[Abstract]:Objective to understand the present situation of nursing manpower in Hami area, find out the existing problems, predict the number of nursing staff in medical institutions and pension institutions in 2015 and 2020, and provide a reference for optimizing the allocation of nursing human resources in Hami area. Methods the data were obtained from the Xinjiang Statistical Yearbook 2001-2013. Xinjiang production and Construction Corps Statistical Yearbook 2007-2013. Hami Regional Health Statistics Yearbook, 2013 Hami Regional Health Statistics Annual report, 2013 Health and Family Planning Commission, Health and Family Planning Commission. The Center conducted a survey of health manpower and health services in Hami. The present situation of nursing manpower in medical institutions in Hami area was understood by the data of general survey of health manpower, and the predicted value of nursing staff in 2013 was calculated by using the method of medical care ratio, and compared with the actual value, and the present situation of supply and demand was analyzed. The health care ratio method and the average development speed method were used to calculate the number of nursing staff in Hami area in 2015 and 2020, and the bed care ratio method was used to calculate the number of nursing staff in 2015 and 2020 in Hami area. Results in 2013, there were 1 380 registered nurses in Hami area, including 1 329 medical institutions, accounting for 96. 3%. There were 113 registered nurses (8.5%) and 24 registered nurses (1.8% (24 / 1 329) with university degree. In 2013, the predicted value of nursing staff in Hami district was 1,274, and the ratio of supply and demand of nursing staff in medical institutions was 1: 0.930.93. The predicted number of nursing staff in Hami region in 2015 and 2020 were 1 461U 1 652 and 1 985U 2 304 respectively. According to the average development rate of 105.0%, the number of nursing staff needed to be allocated in 2015 and 2020 were 1 543 and 1 969 respectively. In 2015 and 2020, the minimum requirement allocation of nursing staff in Hami area was 315 and 672, while the number of satisfying needs was 1 392 and 1 482 respectively. Conclusion the registered nurses in Hami medical institutions can basically meet the current service demand, but the overall professional quality is on the low side. It is necessary to strengthen the professional quality training of nursing staff, increase the number of nursing staff in pension institutions, formulate policies conducive to the allocation of nursing human resources, and optimize the development of nursing human resources.
【作者单位】: 石河子大学医学院预防医学系;国家卫生计生委卫生发展研究中心;
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