[Abstract]:The level of service ability of old-age institutions is an important factor for the elderly to choose pension institutions, and also the fundamental motive force to ensure the sustainable development of pension institutions. Taking the private pension institutions in Chengdu as the research object, this paper makes normative analysis from the five dimensions of institution building, operation management, human resources, social resources, government support, and the construction of multiple linear regression equations. This paper probes into the influencing factors of the service ability of the private pension institutions, and finds out that the influence degree of the improvement of the service ability of the private pension institutions is the operation management, the government support, the institution construction and the human capital respectively; The influence of social capital on the service ability of private pension institutions is not significant. Therefore, we should upgrade the service capacity of private pension institutions from the aspects of upgrading the hardware and software facilities of pension institutions, improving the service level of nursing staff, and lowering the policy subsidy standards.
【作者单位】: 西南交通大学公共管理与政法学院;
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