[Abstract]:The core of enterprise strategic resources is human resources. Nowadays, more and more people pay attention to the strategic value and management value of human resources. Through the research, we find that the personnel resource management how to improve the performance of the enterprise, the results are: employee training plan and performance pay, career and enterprise development are conducive to enterprise management decisions, It is the potential key factor of enterprise performance and human resource management to enable employees to participate in the management decisions. Moreover, through the investigation and study of more than 800 Chinese enterprises, the data of human resource management and enterprise performance show that human resource management has a positive impact on enterprise performance. Other factors also have a positive impact on corporate performance. The research shows that the high performance of the company is related to several aspects of human resource management, such as employee training, salary level, bonus and welfare, position promotion and so on. These aspects are several important aspects of corporate performance, which is conducive to improve the level of innovation and meet the needs of the outside world, for more companies to provide a way to improve corporate performance.
【作者单位】: 河北省歌舞剧院演艺有限公司;
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