[Abstract]:At present, with the acceleration of the process of global economic integration, the competition of enterprises is becoming increasingly fierce. How to ensure their own competitive advantage, organizational ability has become the key to maintain long-term competitive advantage. At present, some famous enterprises in foreign countries have achieved good results by using a large number of organizational capabilities to reshape the management process. Looking from our country, the enterprise development of our country is moving forward from the extensive development stage to the fine management stage. As the key to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, the importance of organizational capability to the development of enterprises is increasingly apparent. Increasing the research on the organizational ability of enterprises can provide solid help and support for enterprises to realize the optimal allocation of all kinds of resources, so as to help enterprises constantly adjust their own management methods and realize the optimal allocation of resources. On the other hand, through the comprehensive research on the organizational ability of enterprises to perfect the theory of enterprise management and provide reference for domestic enterprises to transform and upgrade, H power company as an important regional power company, The development strength is strong, in the market share, the human resources and so on has gathered a lot of high-quality resources, but its management efficiency is relatively low, increases to the H electric power company organization ability research, has the very important significance. In this paper, case study, deductive induction, comparative analysis and theoretical analysis are used to analyze and study the basic theories of enterprise organizational capability management, and the present situation and problems of H power company's organizational capability are discussed. The comprehensive analysis shows that H Power Company is faced with some problems in improving its organizational ability, such as relatively imperfect system of talent management measures, weak mining of innovative factors in enterprise chain, non-standard implementation of business process, weak function of supervision and management of performance appraisal, and so on. Aiming at these problems, some countermeasures are put forward. Based on the analysis of the improvement of H power company's organizational ability, the author thinks that strengthening the management of organization ability is the key to ensure H power company's sustainable development, and promote the organization of H power company to upgrade in an all-round way. The measures of staff management should be improved by setting up balanced credit card, promoting organizational support, establishing system arrangement, creating new value curve, perfecting customer service experience, creating differentiated products or services, and strengthening innovation of enterprise chain. Systematic transformation of enterprise business processes, new development of new business areas, emphasis on business process reengineering, construction of system business process performance target system, construction of business process performance evaluation index system, etc. In order to improve the overall performance appraisal of business process execution.
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