[Abstract]:In the process of communicating with our peers, we find that many publishing houses carry out the unification of editing and editing, and there is no special proofreading organization, nor is it equipped with special proofreading staff, and the task of editing and proofreading is under the burden of editors. According to regulations, in order to ensure the quality of book editing and correction, different proofreading staff must be arranged to complete the three schools, and relying solely on the editorial power within the department or the society, it is impossible for each book to be successfully completed three times. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to establish an effective and suitable external school team. First, the analysis of the advantages of the foreign school team comes from the deficiency of supplementary professional proofreading, but it is not a temporary substitution of professional proofreading, but an inevitable result of the development of the publishing industry and the trend of diversified development of proofreading subjects. Its advantages are as follows:
【作者单位】: 南京师范大学出版社;
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