本文选题:对外汉语教学 + 讨论会 ; 参考:《世界汉语教学》1993年04期
【摘要】:正 各位领导、各位来宾、朋友们、同志们: 首先,请允许我代表国家对外汉语教学领导小组办公室,代表北京语言学院和本届会议组委会,向不辞辛苦远道而来的海内外学者和嘉宾们表示热烈的欢迎,并在此对关心和从事汉语教学和研究工作的朋友们、同志们致以崇高的敬意。朋友们、同志们,本届讨论会是继1990年第三届会议之后,世界汉语教学界同仁的又一次盛会。在过去的三年中,随着中国的改革开放、经济社会的发展,中国与外国的交流日益增多。与此同时,汉语作为经济、贸易、文化、教育、科技交流的媒介,日益得到越来越多的国家和地区的重视。许多国家已把汉语列为主要外语语种之一,它们不仅在大学设立了中文系,而且还成立了许多中文学校和形式多样的中文班。世界上学习汉语和来华学习与研究汉语的人数都超过了以往任何一个时期。仅1992年,来华学习汉语的海外人士已逾一万四千人。在我国,对外汉语教学与研究工作,在国家教委和国家对外汉语教学领导小
[Abstract]:First of all, allow me to represent the Office of the National leading Group for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign language, the Beijing Institute of languages and the Organizing Committee of this Conference. I would like to extend a warm welcome to scholars and guests from home and abroad who have come all the way from home and abroad and pay high respects to those who are concerned about and engaged in the teaching and research of Chinese. Friends and comrades, this seminar is another grand meeting for our Chinese teaching colleagues in the world after the third Conference in 1990. In the past three years, with China's reform and opening up, economic and social development, China and foreign exchanges are increasing. At the same time, as the medium of economy, trade, culture, education, science and technology, Chinese has been paid more and more attention by more and more countries and regions. Many countries have listed Chinese as one of the major foreign languages. They have not only established Chinese departments in universities, but also established many Chinese schools and classes in various forms. The number of people in the world studying Chinese and coming to China to study and study Chinese is higher than at any other time in the world. In 1992 alone, more than 14000 people came to China to study Chinese. In China, the teaching and research work of Chinese as a foreign language, the State Education Commission and the State leadership in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.
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