[Abstract]:Chinese and English contrast has a long history, involving a wide range of research results. Unfortunately, there are only a few studies on the contrast of imperative sentences between Chinese and English, which are of great significance to the communication of language and culture as well as to the high-level teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, especially in advanced oral Chinese teaching. Based on the previous researches on imperative sentences in Chinese and English, and guided by the general theories and methods of contrastive linguistics, this paper makes a contrastive study of imperative sentences in Chinese and English at the syntactic and semantic levels. After the full description of imperative sentences in Chinese and English, the generality and individuality of the two sentences are summed up, and the causes of their formation are sought. This paper mainly discusses the following questions: the essence of the subject of the 1 imperative sentence the semantic choice of the predicate of the imperative sentence limits the imperative strength of the English imperative sentence 4 which is a special type of syntactic structure. The full text is divided into seven chapters. In the first chapter, after reviewing the previous researches on imperative sentences in Chinese and English, the purpose and method of the research are determined. The second chapter redefines the category of imperative sentences and makes a clear comparison of the objects of study. Then it classifies the Chinese and English imperative sentences in the form of structure which is convenient for this paper to discuss. The third and fourth chapters are the main body of the article, starting with the semantic features of syntactic structure and predicate, the similarities and differences between them and the reasons for their differences are explored. First of all, based on the theory of topic meta-theory and management reduction theory in generative grammar, this paper tries to prove that the implicit subject of imperative sentence in Chinese and English is not embodied in the surface structure, but it plays the same syntactic and semantic functions as the explicit subject. The explicit subject and the implicit subject are in essence the second person's claim. Then the semantic features of verbs and adjective predicates in Chinese and English imperative sentences are analyzed and explained in detail. Chapter five explores several English imperative sentences with special syntactic structure, including let imperative sentence, conditional imperative sentence, complete and progressive imperative sentence, and dynamic imperative sentence. Chapter six briefly summarizes the means of strengthening or weakening imperative strength in Chinglish. The seventh chapter summarizes the research results, and points out the shortcomings and the space for further study.
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7 陈f,