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发布时间:2018-11-20 20:10
【摘要】:随着我国对外汉语教育事业的蓬勃发展,对外汉语教材的数量与日俱增,对外汉语教材建设也逐渐受到重视,而教材中的汉字复现率是一个常被忽视的问题,而它又是衡量一套教材质量好坏的重要标准。 本文选取两套对外汉语初级阶段的典型教材,分别是由华东师范大学对外汉语学院编写的《基础汉语40课》上、下册以及北京语言大学编写的《新实用汉语课本》1-4册进行研究,对两套教材的汉字复现率情况从多个角度进行统计分析,掌握其生字总量,等级分布,汉字的总复现率、平均复现率以及不同板块的汉字复现率整体情况,并对汉字的复现分布情况也做了全面考察。 在此基础上,我们从两套教材的不同阶段抽取了123个汉字做成两份汉字水平测试卷,分别由华东师范大学、上海财经大学、复旦大学的在华留学生参与测试,并全部选取非汉字文化圈的留学生测试卷输入SPSS分析统计软件进行分析,得出:1.汉字复现率不同会对学生汉字习得产生显著影响;2.在控制复现率的情况下,笔画数对学生成绩影响不是很显著,有待进一步考察;3.笔画数与复现率之间没有交互影响;4.在控制复现率的情况下,课文数(汉字复现分布)对学生成绩影响也不是很显著,有待进一步考察;5.本论文中,两次实验测得对外汉语初级阶段的教材中最佳汉字复现率大约为20-25,即65%的学生可习得;当复现率为60时,则80%以上学生可以习得汉字。 最后在实验数据的基础上,我们对今后编写对外汉语教材特别是汉字教学部分提出了一些相关建议。
[Abstract]:With the vigorous development of Chinese as a foreign language education in China, the number of textbooks for Chinese as a foreign language is increasing day by day, and the construction of teaching materials for Chinese as a foreign language has been paid more and more attention to, and the repetition rate of Chinese characters in the textbooks is often neglected. And it is an important standard to measure the quality of a set of teaching materials. This paper selects two sets of typical textbooks for the primary stage of Chinese as a foreign language, which are written by the School of Chinese as a Foreign language of East China normal University. The next volume and 1-4 volumes of "New practical Chinese textbook" compiled by Beijing language and language University were studied. The repetition rate of Chinese characters in the two sets of textbooks was statistically analyzed from several angles, and the total number of new characters, the distribution of grades and the total repetition rate of Chinese characters were grasped. The average repetition rate and the overall situation of Chinese character repetition rate in different plates are also investigated. On this basis, we extracted 123 Chinese characters from different stages of the two sets of teaching materials to make two Chinese character proficiency test papers, which were tested by overseas students from East China normal University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and Fudan University, respectively. And all of the non-Chinese cultural circle of foreign students test paper input SPSS analysis statistical software for analysis, the following results: 1. Different repetition rate of Chinese characters will have a significant impact on the acquisition of Chinese characters; 2. Under the condition of controlling the repetition rate, the stroke number has little effect on the students' achievement, and needs further investigation. 3. There was no interaction between stroke number and repetition rate; 4. Under the condition of controlling repetition rate, the influence of text number (distribution of Chinese character repetition) on students' achievement is not significant, which needs further investigation; 5. In this thesis, two experiments show that the optimal repetition rate of Chinese characters is about 20-25, that is, 65% of the students can acquire Chinese characters, and when the repetition rate is 60, more than 80% students can acquire Chinese characters. Finally, on the basis of the experimental data, we put forward some relevant suggestions for compiling teaching materials for Chinese as a foreign language, especially for Chinese characters teaching.


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