[Abstract]:The Chinese Putonghua word "er" is an auxiliary word with high frequency and complicated usage. There are many kinds of usage of "er". The research in this subject refers to (1) the dynamic auxiliary word "has", (2) expressing the affirmation of the past, and "has" the function of the modal auxiliary. (3) used at the end of the sentence to indicate that the mood auxiliary has changed, and (4) to indicate that the mood auxiliary is about to change. At present, in the field of linguistics and Chinese as a foreign language, more researches have been done on the ontology of "already", but on the teaching of "already", especially the study of teaching materials for Chinese as a foreign language is still very weak. Under such a research background, this paper selects five representative textbooks for Chinese as a foreign language: practical accelerated Chinese, developing Chinese, Chinese tutorials, Boya Chinese and basic Chinese. This paper makes a comprehensive and systematic investigation and analysis of the compilation of the book, and applies the relevant linguistic theories and methods, as well as our own practical experience, in view of the shortcomings and shortcomings in the teaching materials. Positive suggestions and amendments are put forward. The research of this topic will play a positive role in promoting the rapid development of Chinese as a foreign language teaching. There are four chapters in this paper: the first chapter introduces the origin and significance of the topic, the status quo of this research, and the problems of this paper. The second chapter compares the similarities and differences of each set of textbooks and their advantages and disadvantages from the four aspects of arrangement, presentation, practice and repetition, and makes a comprehensive investigation and analysis of the five sets of Chinese as a foreign language textbook at the primary stage. Through investigation, we find that some of the five sets of textbooks have made a clear division, some have not; some have compact arrangement, some are loose; some textbooks lack pertinence in both Chinese and English, there are more terms and long sentences; Some textbooks are too thin in the amount of exercises and the types of questions; some textbooks do not do enough in reproduction. And the results of these investigations are briefly analyzed. On the basis of the investigation and analysis of the second chapter, the third chapter puts forward some suggestions and ideas on the arrangement, explanation, practice and repetition of the auxiliary word in the teaching material of Chinese as a foreign language. In our opinion, the teaching material of Chinese as a foreign language should divide "already" into "dynamic auxiliary" and "mood auxiliary", pay attention to the error analysis of "already", and use the principle of conciseness and clarity when arranging the auxiliary word "already" in teaching material as a foreign language. To avoid the long and difficult sentence pattern, to expand the exercise quantity and exercise type scientifically in a certain range, and to improve the repetition rate. The fourth chapter is the conclusion, summarizes the full text, and points out the problems to be further studied.
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