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发布时间:2019-01-03 16:47
【摘要】: 程度副词与其他各小类副词相比,虽然数量相对较少、语法相对单一,但是由于每个程度副词本身特点以及与其他词语进行组合、修饰时各不相同,因此留学生在使用时往往出现了各种偏误,直接影响到了表达与交际。然而,目前针对解决留学生使用程度副词时出现偏误的研究成果并不多。本文结合留学生在使用程度副词时的偏误,运用语言学、应用语言学理论及偏误理论,对偏误产生的机制进行解析,同时探讨教学对策。 本文选定了《汉语水平词汇等级大纲》中所收的14个甲级程度副词,对大连理工大学国际文化交流学院初、中级留学生期中和期末作文进行调研,对筛选归纳出的288个程度副词偏误用例进行研究。从语法角度分析了留学生在使用程度副词时出现的偏误类型,同时分析了程度副词与被修饰成分搭配不当的情况,并指出造成留学生使用程度副词出现偏误的成因是负迁移作用,特别是留学生对程度副词本身的特点掌握不准确。因此,本文针对留学生出现的偏误,从句法、语义和语用“三个平面”对程度副词进行本体研究,以便是留学生从根本上明确程度副词自身特点。最后,针对留学生出现的偏误现象,探讨了程度副词的教学对策,用图表法将程度副词的句法特点教授给学生;利用语义场进行近义辨析,并列出了容易出现使用偏误的六对程度副词的辨析图表;将语境引入教学过程,通过交际进行教学设计;利用汉外对比法解决留学生在学习过程中的知识负迁移问题,希望能为对外汉语程度副词的课堂教学提供借鉴与参考。
[Abstract]:Compared with other subcategories of adverbs, degree adverbs are different in number and grammar, but because of their own characteristics and combination with other words, the degree adverbs are different from each other. Therefore, foreign students often use a variety of errors, directly affecting expression and communication. However, there are few researches on how to solve the errors of degree adverbs used by foreign students. Combined with the errors of foreign students in using degree adverbs, this paper analyzes the mechanism of errors by using linguistics, linguistic theory and error theory, and probes into the teaching countermeasures at the same time. This paper selects 14 Grade A adverbs collected from the outline of Chinese level Vocabulary, and investigates the middle and final compositions of international students of Dalian University of Science and Technology. The use cases of 288 degree adverb errors were studied. From the perspective of grammar, this paper analyzes the types of errors in the use of degree adverbs by foreign students, and analyzes the improper collocation of degree adverbs with modified components. It is pointed out that the cause of errors in degree adverbs used by foreign students is the negative transfer, especially the inaccurate mastery of the characteristics of degree adverbs by foreign students. Therefore, aiming at the errors of foreign students, this paper makes an ontological study of degree adverbs from syntactic, semantic and pragmatic "three planes", so as to make the degree adverbs their own characteristics. Finally, aiming at the phenomenon of foreign students' errors, the teaching countermeasures of degree adverbs are discussed, and the syntactic features of degree adverbs are taught to students by chart method. Using semantic field to analyze the near meaning, the paper lists six pairs of degree adverbs that are prone to use errors, and introduces context into the teaching process to design teaching through communication. In order to solve the problem of negative transfer of foreign students' knowledge in the process of learning, the author hopes to provide reference for the classroom teaching of degree adverbs in TCFL.


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