[Abstract]:Since its establishment in 1987, the Office of the State leading Group for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign language (hereinafter referred to as "the State Office of the Chinese language Office") has drawn up two scientific research plans and issued project guidelines. That is, the Guide to the Teaching and Research of Chinese as a Foreign language from 1988 to 1990 (hereinafter referred to as the <'88 Guide'), "World Chinese Teaching", No. 3, 1988) and < "the Guide for Scientific Research in Teaching and researching Chinese as a Foreign language" from 1988 to 2000 (hereinafter'98 Guide', "World Chinese Teaching" No. 2, 1998). The author was fortunate to be in charge of drafting and drafting these two subject guides. During the drafting process, the author conducted a number of investigations and extensively sought the opinions of relevant experts and scholars, so the two guidelines were also the crystallization of collective wisdom, from which the author deepened. Improve the understanding and understanding of the subject construction of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The two guidelines are exactly 10 years apart. If we push it up for another 10 years, from 1978 when Lv Bisong first proposed that teaching Chinese as a foreign language is a specialized subject, it is only from the "one spot" of academic research to peep at the "whole leopard" of discipline construction. The subject construction of Chinese as a foreign language teaching in China has experienced three stages of development: 1. From 1978 to 1987 as the preparatory stage, Lv Bisong put forward the theory of "discipline" as the symbol and beginning; 2. The formative stage from 1988 to 1997 was marked and started by <'88 guide >, and the development stage after 1998 was marked and started by <'98 guide >.
【作者单位】: 国家对外汉语教学领导小组
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