本文选题:幼儿体育 + 学前教育专业 ; 参考:《武汉体育学院》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the further deepening of education and teaching reform in China, the problem of early childhood education has attracted more and more attention of the whole society. The outline of the National medium- and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Plan clearly points out: China's future development, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, The key depends on the talented person, the foundation is in the education, request 2010-2020 period development goal is the basic popularizes preschool education. At present, with the popularization of education, the growth of obese children, the implementation of the policy of emphasizing intelligence and light body of preschool teachers and the implementation of the policy of two-child education, the demand for pre-school education talents has been aggravated, and the cause of preschool education is facing enormous challenges. Therefore, how to alleviate the current situation in the most effective and direct way is worth our thinking. The cultivation of talents in preschool education is one of the effective ways to solve this series of problems. By analyzing the characteristics of children's physical development, psychological development and intelligence development, the study followed the rules of physical education and combined with the situation of offering physical education courses in kindergartens. It is of great theoretical value for the development and enrichment of the content of preschool physical education to rebuild the curriculum of preschool education with the characteristics of physical education through the method of questionnaire investigation. At the same time, through the scientific analysis, the paper puts forward the reference basis for the training of pre-school education technical and technical teachers, which has important practical application value for strengthening the training of pre-school education talents. Based on the basic framework of social talent demand, college professional talent training, the law of children's physical and mental development and the period of sports sensitivity, this paper first analyzes the constituent elements of preschool education specialty; secondly, From the angle of quantitative analysis, this paper constructs the curriculum setup system of PE special preschool education specialty, including basic principles, questionnaire survey flow and index system. Finally, it constructs the training scheme of PE special preschool education specialty curriculum. The specialty of pre-school education with sports characteristics is the specialty of cultivating pre-school education in physical education. After graduation, students can teach physical education about preschool education in pre-school education institutions. It is necessary to pay attention to the cultivation of PE teaching ability of pre-school students with characteristics of physical education, not only for the students themselves, but also for the school, society and even the whole country.
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