[Abstract]:Talent training is the most important work in colleges and universities, and the various stages of talent growth are not isolated. The connection between university initiative and high school teaching is helpful to improve students' college readiness and raise the efficiency and success rate of cultivation. American universities adopt a variety of strategies to promote college readiness and reduce waste in the process of cross-educational convergence. Its development path, guiding ideology and methods are worthy of our country's reference. By interpreting the policies and publications of educational administrations and research groups in the United States, we rake over its main laws and regulations, and list the characteristics of the effective practices of state universities, such as college consulting and guidance services, college preparatory school programs, University admission and remedial education, transfer and convergence policy. The relevant mechanisms and practices in the United States can help us to fully understand the problem of the link between high school and university education, clarify the idea of improving the reform of college readiness, and broaden the path of cultivating innovative talents in universities in China.
【作者单位】: 中南大学外国语学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金2016年度一般项目“近30年中美外交语言风格嬗变对比及翻译研究(1986-2015)”,项目编号:16BYY023 湖南省哲学社会科学基金2014年度立项课题“外语学习者汉英翻译能力拓展研究”,项目编号:14WLH51
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