[Abstract]:The evaluation information system of harmonious campus in colleges and universities studied in this paper is based on the study of the evaluation index system of harmonious campus, using a series of operable scientific means, through the analysis and collation of the evaluation data information of experts. This paper makes a value judgment on the indexes that affect the construction of a harmonious and efficient campus, so as to make the school maintain its own advantages in the process of building a harmonious campus, and at the same time, understand its own shortcomings, and provide a basis for decision-making in further promoting the construction of a harmonious campus in colleges and universities. In the first two chapters, the methods and techniques of constructing a harmonious campus evaluation model in colleges and universities are briefly reviewed, and the decision optimization algorithm is analyzed briefly. The last three chapters draw lessons from the evaluation index system of harmonious campus. Firstly, aiming at the subjective characteristics of traditional analytic hierarchy process (AHP), this paper combines the improved AHP (AHP) with genetic algorithm to establish the evaluation index model of harmonious campus in colleges and universities. The weight of each index is calculated, and the index weight model is obtained. Then, based on the improved grey cluster analysis (improved whitening weight function) and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the indexes in the evaluation index system of harmonious campus in colleges and universities are evaluated. Then the decision tree algorithm is used to construct the decision tree using the improved ID3 algorithm to solve the problem that the evaluation result of harmonious campus in colleges and universities is transformed from quantitative analysis to qualitative analysis. The qualitative analysis results are given to provide a decision for the construction of a harmonious campus. Finally, an efficient and harmonious campus evaluation information system is constructed by using the idea of big data, which makes the evaluation of an efficient and harmonious campus more networked, informational and scientific. The construction of a harmonious campus evaluation information system in colleges and universities can achieve the expected effect of auxiliary decision-making, so that the evaluated colleges and universities can realize their own shortcomings and further promote the construction of harmonious campus. At the same time, it also provides a broad prospect for the application of data mining technology in the development of efficient and harmonious campus evaluation model and information system.
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