[Abstract]:This paper analyzes the content of moral education in college students' network community, including socialist core values education, network moral cognition and moral choice education, network mental health education, network etiquette education, network behavior standard education. Network information security education. This paper discusses the methods of education: first, using the method of fair group moral education to cultivate the moral subject consciousness of college students in the network community, secondly, adopting the method of moral discussion to improve the network moral cognition of college students in the network community; The third is to adopt the law of prevention to cultivate the moral will of the college students in the network community, and the fourth is to adopt the method of practical education to cultivate the moral habits of the students in the network community. Finally, the paper puts forward the strategies of education: firstly, colleges and universities should set up official web pages, Weibo, WeChat platform to meet the increasing and diversified cultural needs of college students; Secondly, we should make full use of the network platform to develop the network moral literacy course; third, construct and popularize the ideological and political education famous brand and characteristic website, blog, Weibo or WeChat; fourth, give full play to the function of serious game; Fifth, make full use of QQ and other instant messaging tools to carry out moral education. In the aspect of network moral education, first, colleges and universities should pay attention to the education of network behavior norms; second, strengthen the construction of network moral ethics curriculum; third, expand the content of college students' network moral education.
【作者单位】: 广西师范大学马克思主义学院;
【基金】:广西区学位与研究生教育重点课题“研究生网络思想政治教育生活化模式构建研究”(项目批准号201110602RZ14)(桂学位[2011]35号) 广西师范大学科研项目(人文社会科学类)博士科研启动基金项目“基于中华优秀传统文化的大学生网络共同体道德建设研究”(师政科技[2015]10号)的研究成果
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