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发布时间:2018-01-04 12:36

  本文关键词:基于GIS的房产经纪人楼盘字典管理系统研究与应用 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 楼盘字典 移动GIS 房图 二手房 经纪人(中介)

[Abstract]:Along with the information technology change rapidly, smart mobile devices have been slowly rooted in the lives of most people in the US. Most of the current real estate companies are using APP software in the mobile phone to achieve their own needs, the rapid development of mobile Internet, the information exchange between people faster and more convenient, now people can easily through the mobile phone housing to understand some basic information, to determine whether to purchase the house. With the rapid development of China economy, urbanization also got rapid development, housing as an important part of people's life, almost every one is a major issue of concern, is also one of the most important people the problem of people on the Internet. However the purchase of second-hand housing market often suffer repeated false hair, housing information, information service, the ultimate pain overall uneven We are here. The application of mobile Internet technology, the establishment of GIS digital dictionary based on real estate related properties and houses, spatial information collected throughout the city, housing information requires a fine to the District of each building, each house room, apartment layout, area, location information. The rental housing information to achieve a real one. The purpose of a repeat of listings, eliminate false information fundamentally, will greatly enhance the probability of release of the real property. The second-hand housing has become more and more ordinary people to consider the home range, the healthy development of the two hand housing market, to promote the healthy development of the entire ecological industry chain of the real estate market, for drive the local economy obviously, so it changes the healthy development of the real estate market has played a crucial role, so in order to make better rental housing broker The management of housing information, housing information to avoid a series of problems such as repeated flooding, in order to make buyers more convenient, faster to get detailed information for rental housing through the mobile phone, it is necessary for us to develop real estate dictionary management system of a mobile terminal. In this case, the "real estate broker real estate dictionary management system" based on GIS is to broker and broker real estate intermediary company internal personal economic expansion of the real estate broker dictionary management business, which can expand the research and application of real estate brokers to establish and perfect the management dictionary, GIS data of second-hand housing information and distribution of real estate dictionary management, from the source to eliminate the false listings, improve authenticity brokers publish listings, convenient for users to query and browse.



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