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发布时间:2018-01-04 13:02

  本文关键词:KL房地产公司面向青岛蓝色硅谷的竞争战略研究 出处:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产 蓝色硅谷 竞争战略

【摘要】:房地产行业的健康发展关系到人民的安居乐业,是建设和谐家园,建设和谐城市的重要组成部分。山东半岛蓝色经济区建设是“十二五”开局之年第一个获批的国家发展战略,也是我国第一个以海洋经济为主题的区域发展战略。KL房地产公司以此作为企业发展的契机,制定了面向青岛蓝色硅谷的竞争战略,为公司未来的生存与发展探索新路,为公司迎接未来竞争的挑战储备知识能量。 本文以PEST为外部环境分析的基本架构,通过政治、经济、文化与技术环境分析,对企业外部环境有全局性的认识。在对房地产行业环境分析方面,,采用波特“五力模型”进行分析,通过对潜在进入者、替代品、卖方市场、供应商分析,尤其是通过对产业内部竞争分析,明确了产业的发展与竞争态势,能给KL公司一个更符合现实的定位。通过分析与总结,得出发展的六大机遇:蓝色经济区开发带来的机遇,国家经济转型带来的机遇,城市化进程加速推进带来的机遇,青岛国际金融中心带来的融资渠道增多的机遇,旅游度假需求增加带来的机遇,老龄化社会带来的疗养需求增加的机遇;三大威胁:日益增加的强劲竞争对手,建设用地价格不断上升,人口滞涨对客源的影响。研究以迈克尔·波特的竞争战略为理论基础,结合空间结构理论与克氏中心地理论,通过SWOT分析,在尽可能充分发挥KL公司优势:1)资金充裕,资金链运转顺畅;2)人才结构年轻化;3)品质好;4)良好的商誉;5)团队富于创新。并弱化劣势对公司竞争力的影响,基于整合思维和长远思维,将KL公司竞争战略定为:“实施差异化战略与目标集聚战略相结合”。 本论文通过对KL房地产公司面向青岛蓝色硅谷的竞争战略研究,不仅分析战略选择过程,而且对战略的实施与控制进行了细致研究与探索,力图为企业的战略得以实施奠定理论基础,并为企业获得经济效益提供现实借鉴。
[Abstract]:The healthy development of the real estate industry is related to the people living and working in peace and contentment, is to build a harmonious home. The construction of the blue economic zone of Shandong Peninsula is the first national development strategy approved in the opening year of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan. It is also the first regional development strategy with the theme of marine economy. KL Real Estate Company took this as an opportunity for the development of enterprises and formulated a competitive strategy for Qingdao Blue Silicon Valley. For the future survival and development of the company to explore a new way for the company to meet the challenges of future competition to store knowledge energy. This paper takes PEST as the basic structure of the external environment analysis, through the political, economic, cultural and technological environment analysis, the external environment of the enterprise has a global understanding, in the real estate industry environment analysis. By using Porter's "five forces model" to analyze the potential entrants, substitutes, seller's markets, suppliers, especially through the analysis of the internal competition of the industry, the development and competition situation of the industry is clarified. Can give KL a more realistic positioning. Through analysis and summary, six opportunities for development: opportunities brought by the development of the blue economic zone, opportunities brought by the national economic transformation. The opportunity brought by the acceleration of urbanization, the increase of financing channels brought by Qingdao International Financial Center, the opportunity brought by the increasing demand for tourism and vacation, and the increasing demand for recuperation brought by the aging society; Three big threats: growing competition, rising construction land prices, and the impact of stagflation on visitors. The research is based on Michael Porter's competitive strategy. Combining spatial structure theory with Kirschner center theory, through SWOT analysis, we can make the best use of KL company's advantage: 1) abundant capital and smooth running of capital chain; 2) the talent structure is younger; 3) good quality; 4) good goodwill; 5) the team is rich in innovation and weakens the influence of inferiority on the competitiveness of the company. Based on the integration thinking and the long-term thinking, the competitive strategy of KL company is defined as "the combination of implementing differentiation strategy and target agglomeration strategy". This paper not only analyzes the process of strategy selection, but also studies and explores the implementation and control of strategy through the research of KL real estate company's competitive strategy facing Qingdao Blue Silicon Valley. This paper tries to lay a theoretical foundation for the implementation of enterprise strategy and provide practical reference for enterprises to obtain economic benefits.


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