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发布时间:2018-01-05 19:40

  本文关键词:BPO工业地产项目成本管理研究 出处:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 工业地产 成本管理 全生命周期

【摘要】:随着我国经济发展的提速,房地产市场也不断增大。但随着强有力的住宅房地产的监管负担,以及工业地产的“跃进”的隐忧,国内部分房地产公司开始寻找进入工业产权领域的机会。据不完全统计,有15%的传统房地产开发商转投到工业园项目开发中。然而,工业地产在整个建设阶段的投资成本控制还存在不合理的情况,造成了地产商在建设工程项目开发上的成本损失,甚至投资远远超过计划目标。 本文以天津滨海高新区软件与服务外包产业基地的项目建设为研究对象,运用项目管理理论和成本管理理论,运用成本动态管理和全员参与的思想,,根据房地产建设工程项目全寿命周期的阶段划分,包括建设工程项目的决策策划、规划设计、建设实施到竣工交付等主要阶段,对工业地产建设项目的全过程成本管理进行了系统的分析和研究,针对成本管理的问题提出了预防和解决的办法,希望能够给工业地产的开发商提供一些参考。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, the real estate market is also increasing, but with the strong residential real estate regulatory burden, and industrial real estate "leap forward" worry. Some domestic real estate companies began to look for opportunities to enter the field of industrial property. According to incomplete statistics, 15% of the traditional real estate developers transferred to the development of industrial park projects. The investment cost control of industrial real estate in the whole construction stage is unreasonable, which results in the cost loss of the real estate developer in the development of the construction project, and even the investment far exceeds the planned target. This paper takes the project construction of Tianjin Binhai Hi-tech Zone software and service outsourcing industry base as the research object, applies the project management theory and the cost management theory, uses the cost dynamic management and the entire staff participation thought. According to the real estate construction project life cycle stage division, including the construction project decision-making planning, planning and design, construction implementation to the completion of delivery and other major stages. This paper makes a systematic analysis and research on the whole process cost management of the industrial real estate construction project, and puts forward the prevention and solution to the problem of the cost management, hoping to provide some references for the developers of the industrial real estate.


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