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发布时间:2018-01-05 20:23

  本文关键词:住宅小区车位、车库权属问题分析 出处:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 住宅小区 小区的车位 小区的车库 所有权

【摘要】:《物权法》及司法解释的出台,使小区车库、车位的所有权归属界定逐渐清晰明确,有利于定纷止争,维护社会稳定,但是《物权法》作出的规定仅提供了一种框架,过于原则,相关的司法解释和法律制度不够细化完善,因此法院在司法实践中面临很多的困难,难以操作。 本文基于以上立法背景,采用比较分析法、价值分析法和图表法的研究方法,,对我国车位、车库权属问题进行分析和论述。首先,对我国住宅小区车位、车库权属问题的概述。当前我国车位、车库的类型多种多样,本文仅讨论住宅小区车位、车库的权属问题,目前学术界对于住宅小区的车位、车库的权属问题的观点不一,主要有:业主共有说、约定归属说和面积分摊说。我国《物权法》第74条采用了约定归属说,但是在我国目前市场环境下,业主和开发商外表看似平等协商,实质上却是单个业主处于弱势地位,与强大开发商进行谈判议价的空间很小,笔者通过对专有权和共有权的研究,提出车位、车库归属的见解。其次,比较和借鉴国外主要国家及中国台湾地区关于车位、车库权属的立法。在美国、德国、日本、法国、加拿大多伦多市以及我国台湾地区的立法中,通过比较分析发现,台湾地区在立法中明确设定“法定停车位”以及德国在立法中明确独立车库权属,可为我国今后的立法研究提供方向。但是各国立法都是在考虑本国发展情况、生活习惯、人口数量等因素的基础上进行的,在解决我国小区车位、车库权属问题时,应结合我国实际人口众多、土地资源稀缺的国情进行立法构建。最后,车位、车库权属问题的立法完善,在对《物权法》74条的完善建议上:第一,应该明确“应当首先满足业主需要”、“其他场地”的含义;第二,应该明确当事人未进行约定或约定不明确时车位、车库的归属。单靠《物权法》的相关规定还不足以解决小区车位、车库的权属问题,需要从完善不动产物权统一登记制度、房地产信息公开制度、物业管理团体职能等方面进行配合,配套制度和法律规定紧密衔接、有效配合,真正达到维护小区业主权益之目的。
[Abstract]:With the introduction of the property Law and the judicial interpretation, the ownership of garage and parking spaces in the residential area is defined clearly and clearly, which is conducive to the settlement of disputes and the maintenance of social stability. However, the provisions of the Real right Law only provide a framework, which is too principled, and the relevant judicial interpretation and legal system are not detailed and perfect. Therefore, the court is faced with many difficulties in judicial practice, which is difficult to operate. Based on the above legislative background, this paper uses comparative analysis, value analysis and chart method to analyze and discuss the parking spaces and garage ownership in China. Firstly, the parking spaces in residential areas in China are analyzed and discussed. At present, there are many kinds of parking spaces in our country. This paper only discusses the parking spaces in residential areas and the ownership of garages. At present, the academic circles are concerned with the parking spaces in residential areas. There are different views on the ownership of garage, mainly: the owner's co-ownership theory, the agreement ownership theory and the area allocation theory. Article 74 of the property Law of our country adopts the agreement ownership theory, but under the present market environment of our country. Owners and developers look like equal negotiations, but in fact, individual owners are in a weak position, and powerful developers have little room to negotiate and negotiate prices. The author puts forward parking spaces through the study of exclusive rights and co-ownership. Second, the comparison and reference of foreign countries and Taiwan about parking space, garage ownership legislation. In the United States, Germany, Japan, France. In the legislation of Toronto, Canada and Taiwan, it is found that the statutory parking space is clearly established in the legislation of Taiwan and that the right of independent garage ownership is clearly defined in the legislation of Germany. It can provide the direction for the future legislative research of our country. However, the legislation of all countries is based on the consideration of the development of their own country, living habits, population and other factors, in the solution of parking spaces in residential areas in our country. Garage ownership should be combined with the actual population of our country, the scarcity of land resources for legislative construction. Finally, parking space, garage ownership legislation. In the "property Law" 74 to improve the recommendations: first, should be clear that "should first meet the needs of the owners", "other venues" meaning; Second, it should be clear that the parties have not agreed or the agreement is not clear when the parking space, garage ownership. Relying solely on the relevant provisions of the "property Law" is not enough to solve the residential parking spaces, garage ownership. We need to perfect the real estate property registration system, real estate information disclosure system, property management group functions and other aspects of cooperation, supporting systems and legal provisions are closely linked, effective coordination. Truly achieve the purpose of safeguarding the rights and interests of the owners of the district.


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