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发布时间:2018-01-05 22:20

  本文关键词:中国建设银行苏州吴中支行绿洲花园开发项目贷款风险控制研究 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 项目贷款 风险识别 风险控制

[Abstract]:The real estate industry is one of the important pillar industry development. But this one needs lots of large number of development investment, if only rely on real estate developers or some companies may not be able to achieve the project put in operation. Therefore, the bank has become the best choice for real estate developers. The project has huge investment, long term capital return, characteristics the downstream relationship wide. Therefore, the project delivery process contains a great risk. If the banks or enterprises can not be timely interpretation of national and industrial policies, or not very good in the lending process pipe control. Then there may appear loan omissions, causes the enterprise not to repay the loan. Loan default caused great matters based on this background, through the research of the Construction Bank branch of Suzhou Wuzhong Chinese China new building group Oasis Garden real estate development project loans The risk control as the basis, to carry out the Construction Bank branch of Suzhou Wuzhong China Chinese new building group Oasis Garden real estate development project loan risk identification, risk assessment, at the end of the study, for the protection and risk control of CCB Oasis Garden real estate development project loans, put forward some risk control measures. Research on risk control of real estate loans the first is to investigate the real estate development business operations and credit status, as well as specific mortgage project. Firstly, the oasis garden project are described, and then gives a simple analysis of the project belongs to China's new building group, the basic situation and the financial situation, the bank loan is pre entry work. In the project background then, this paper carried out the Construction Bank branch of Suzhou Wuzhong Chinese China new building group oasis garden project loan risk identification Work. The bank in the process of real estate development project loans and risk identification, has a strong stage, the real estate development project loan risk in different stages, there are also differences, so this paper combines the project loan process to carry out risk identification. Among them, before the loan risk management stage is relatively small, mainly concentrated in the enterprise operational risk loan risk the credit risk and bank loan management. The risk points more, is also more complex, including market risk, operational risk. Based on the China new building group oasis garden project loan risk identification, this paper from the angle of view of the bank, the bank loan process based on risk identification and evaluation of oasis garden project loans. The loan project risks include market risk, credit risk and operational risk. Among them, because the country is a gradual tightening of monetary policy and a second tier city, real estate regulation and Drama, oasis garden project loan has a market risk, but the risk is controllable. Other credit risk, operational risk is relatively small. Finally, aiming at the risk of the Construction Bank branch of Suzhou Wuzhong Chinese Chinese new building group oasis garden project loan risk control of commercial banks, and real estate development project loans generally possible, based on according to the principle, put forward the risk control measures including market risk control measures, credit risk control, operational risk control measures.



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