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发布时间:2018-01-06 18:47

  本文关键词:天津专用汽车产业园配套居民区项目风险管理研究 出处:《西北大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 风险管理 房地产项目 项目管理

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Chinese economy and city development, the real estate industry has become one of China's major investment industry. However, in recent years, to curb the rapid rise in prices, the state issued a series of policies to maintain the real estate industry healthy and stable development. But at the same time the real estate industry profits decrease, increase the real estate industry investment risk. This paper is a case study of Tianjin Special Automobile Industrial Park supporting residential project risk management, the system of books using literature survey method on real estate project risk management and a large number of journal articles, and the use of the project Tianjin Special Automobile Industrial Park supporting residential development the main risks encountered in the whole process of in-depth analysis by empirical analysis, the main conclusions are as follows: (1) will be supporting the residential area The whole process of the project is divided into investment decision stage, construction stage, sales stage three stages, and analyzes twelve kinds of risk factors; (2) the importance of risk through the analysis of twelve levels from large to small order: project risk, marketing risk, management risk, safety risk, the feasibility of risk. Quality risk, cost risk, policy risk, economy risk, location risk, marketing risk, the risk; the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to get the total project risk for medium risk, investment decision-making stage risk, risk and risk of construction sales operations were moderate risk, low risk, moderate risk. (3) according to the different the risk characteristics of the various stages of the project of Tianjin Special Automobile Industrial Park supporting residential area, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to reduce the project risk. The regulation of residential area in the national real estate continued to relax In this case, the purpose of this paper is to preliminarily discuss the risk management of real estate projects. Through the actual case analysis of supporting residential areas, developers will further realize how to control the risk of real estate projects.



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