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发布时间:2018-01-06 20:39

  本文关键词:保障性住房公平分配机制的建立研究 出处:《昆明理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 公平理论 保障性住房公平属性 保障性住房分配方法

【摘要】:住房问题是重要的民生问题。改革开放以来,特别是1998年停止住房实物分配、实行住房分配货币化以后,市场配置住房资源的基础性地位得以确立、城镇居民的住房条件得到明显改善。但近年来,部分城市房价上涨过快,困难家庭解决住房问题的难度增大,矛盾日益突出。对此党中央、国务院高度重视,并把加快推进保障性安居工程建设,完善房地产市场调控,作为当前及今后一段时期的重要工作。为从根本上确保我国商品房住宅市场与保障性住宅市场良性互动发展,实现住有所居,我国采取了一系列政策探索与创新,但与城镇化进程不断加速推进,住房保障需求巨大的国情相比,仍有待进一步完善,还有大量研究工作要做。 本文以哲学中的公平理论为依据,借鉴国内外有关住房保障的发展经验,针对国内保障性住房分配方法中轮候配租问题做了进一步分析。利用层次分析法,根据公平理论中需求原则、权利原则以及功绩原则,建立了相对完善的评价指标体系并计算出各评价指标权重,重新定义优势的概念;利用模糊综合评价法,根据机会平等原则,通过数学建模全面兼顾所有评价指标并计分计算,体现申请者的困难程度和对保障性住房的真实需求程度,使分配的结果更加科学化、合理化。鉴于保障性住房在“十二五”规划中的重要地位,文中对相关政策和实施方法提出了相关改进措施和建议,希望对政策决策者和执行者有借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:Housing is an important livelihood issue. Since the reform and opening up, especially in 1998 to stop the housing distribution in kind, after the implementation of the monetization of housing distribution, the basic position of the housing resources can be established, the housing conditions of urban residents has been significantly improved. But in recent years, parts of the city house prices rose too fast, difficult family to solve the housing problem the difficulty increases, conflicts have become increasingly prominent. In this regard the CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to, and to accelerate the construction of affordable housing projects, improve the regulation of the real estate market, as an important work of the current and future period. In order to fundamentally ensure China's commercial housing market and the protection of the interactive development of the residential market, to achieve in some, China has adopted a series of policies of exploration and innovation, but with the process of urbanization continues to accelerate, compared to the huge demand for housing security conditions, still need to be Further improvement, there is a lot of research work to be done.
Based on equity theory in philosophy as the basis, learn from the development experience of the housing security at home and abroad, aiming at the affordable housing allocation method in waiting with rent problems is analyzed. By using AHP method. According to the demand of the theory of fairness principle, right principle and merit principle, established a relatively perfect evaluation index system and calculate the weight of each index, redefine the concept of advantage; using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, according to the principle of equal opportunity, through mathematical modeling into all evaluation indexes and score calculation, the degree of difficulty of the applicant and the real degree of demand for affordable housing, the allocation results more scientific and reasonable. Because of the importance of affordable housing in the "12th Five-Year" in the planning, the implementation of relevant policies and methods put forward relevant measures and suggestions for improvement, I hope to Policy makers and executors are useful for reference.



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