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发布时间:2018-01-07 21:19

  本文关键词:汇智公司农垦房地产项目可行性研究 出处:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产 前期 可行性研究 项目定位 城市化

【摘要】:哈尔滨市2012年房地产开发完成投资278.7亿元,,比上年增长29.2%,占全社会固定资产投资的比重为14.7%。商品房施工面积1922.8万平方米,增长19.4%,其中商品住宅施工面积1605.8万平方米,增长24.6%;商品房屋竣工面积529.3万平方米,增长13.3%,其中商品住宅竣工面积448.2万平方米,增长13.6%;商品房销售面积704.1万平方米,增长20.1%,其中商品住宅销售面积626.7万平方米,增长24.4%。 本论文研究汇智项目所处的新香坊区,位于哈尔滨市东南部,区划面积339.55平方公里,其中,建城区面积43.8平方公里,辖20个街道办事处,3镇1乡,总人口约79万人(含流动人口)。地区辖铁东、新香坊两个街道办事处和幸福、成高子两镇,香坊区是哈尔滨市重要的工业区,重要的农业科研区、重要的物流区。是国家重要电站成套设备制造业基地,是哈尔滨的绿色食品产销基地,农副产品集散地。香坊区是哈尔滨市的发祥地之一,曾为金国内地的“皇室禁苑”。清光绪年间有河北乐亭人氏来此开线香作坊而始称香坊。1898年中东铁东在香坊设置火车站,称哈尔滨驿。1938年伪满当局在哈尔滨市实行区制,设香坊区。1946年哈尔滨解放后,按新的行政区划组建了香坊区。1958年人民公社时期,将机电公社划出成立动力区。2006年8月,经国务院批复,撤销香坊区和动力区,成立新的香坊区。新的香坊区东与阿城区接壤,北连南岗区,西接平房区,已成为哈市的四个中心城区之一。 哈尔滨城市空间发展战略将城市空间从圈层蔓延走向轴向拓展,从紧凑团块走向分散组团,从大城市模式转向都市区模式。城市空间的拓展遵循北跃西扩、南延东优、中兴外联的模式。“东优”主要是优化、整合哈东工业区、成高子、新香坊(项目所在区域)、团结、动力东侧等地区,新增城市建设用地11.2平方公里。 本论文正是以宏观微观经济学、统计学、营销管理、企业战略管理等为理论基础,以深度研究城市布局规划和城市化进程为前提,在对国家宏观、城市宏观、城市房地产市场、区域房地产市场以及消费者购房心理和偏好度深入、系统的分析,并结合企业开发主导思想、发展战略,城市空间整体规划、布局,区域规划导向,项目自身客观条件、开发环境、拆迁难易度等等,对汇智项目的开发可行性进行研究和总结,从而做出项目系统性、全方位的初定位体系。
[Abstract]:2012 Harbin City real estate development investment 27 billion 870 million yuan, up 29.2% over the previous year, the proportion of the total social investment in fixed assets for the 14.7%. housing construction area of 19 million 228 thousand square meters, an increase of 19.4%, of which residential construction area of 16 million 58 thousand square meters, an increase of 24.6%; commodity housing area of 5 million 293 thousand square meters, an increase of 13.3%, including commercial housing the completion of an area of 4 million 482 thousand square meters, an increase of 13.6%; commercial housing sales area of 7 million 41 thousand square meters, an increase of 20.1%, of which sales of commercial residential area of 6 million 267 thousand square meters, growth of 24.4%.
The new Xiangfang district this paper Ebizal project and is located in the southeast of Harbin City, planning area of 339.55 square kilometers, among them, built urban area of 43.8 square kilometers, administer 20 Street offices, 3 towns and 1 villages, the total population of about 790 thousand people (including the floating population). The area under the jurisdiction of Tiedong, new Xiangfang two street office and happiness into two sub high town, Xiangfang District, Harbin City Industrial Zone is an important agricultural scientific research, an important area, an important logistics area is an important national power plant. Equipment manufacturing industry base, Harbin green food production base, agricultural and sideline products distribution center. Xiangfang district is one of the birthplaces of Harbin city once, as the mainland's "Jin Royal Jinyuan". Hebei Leting native to the workshop and line incense was known as Xiangfang.1898 Middle East Tiedong train station in Xiangfang during the reign of Emperor Guangxu, said Harbin station.1938 the authorities to implement the district in Harbin City Located in Xiangfang District.1946, after the liberation of Harbin, according to the new administrative divisions set up.1958 in Xiangfang district during the period of people's commune, the commune established power area to draw electrical.2006 in August, approved by the State Council, and revocation of Xiangfang Dongli District, the establishment of the New District of Xiangfang. Bordering East Xiangfang district and A Cheng new district. North Nangang District, West Cottage Areas, has become one of the four central city of Harbin.
Harbin city spatial development strategy of the city space from the circle to spread axial expansion, from compact pattern to decentralization, steering model for urban areas from the big city. Expand the city space follow the North West South East Yue expansion, extension and outreach, ZTE mode. "East" is the integration optimization, Hadong Industrial Zone. A high, new Xiangfang (area), unity, power East and other regions, the new city construction land of 11.2 square kilometers.
This thesis is based on the macro and micro economics, statistics, marketing management, enterprise strategic management theory as the theoretical basis, the depth of the city planning and city development as the premise, in the national macro, macro City, city real estate market, the regional real estate market and consumer purchase preference and psychological depth, system the analysis, combined with the enterprise development guiding ideology, development strategy, overall planning, city space layout, regional planning, project objective conditions, development environment, demolition difficulty and so on, to study and summarize the development feasibility of the project in order to make wise, the project system, initial positioning system in all directions.



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