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发布时间:2018-01-09 19:26

  本文关键词:房地产住宅小区配套设施组合适用性研究 出处:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 住宅小区 配套设施 组合模式 适用性

【摘要】:随着我国城市居民对自身生活品质的日益重视,人们对于居住环境的要求也越来越高,已从过往对住房面积的简单追求发展到对生活居住环境的全面要求。不仅要求房子住得宽敞,而且对生活的舒适度、便捷度等有了更高的要求。随之便出现了与住宅相配套的各种生活服务设施,如常规的银行、商店、餐饮、学校、邮政、美容、健身等。而随着居住产业的发展,居住品质提升的同时超市、餐厅、银行、医疗、健身、酒店等相关的完善居民居住条件和城市新区功能的相关配套服务项目随之而来。而随着住宅小区的投入使用,各项配套设施是得到充分利用实现了其价值,还是最终空置形同虚设。居住区服务配套设施的完善程度与居民生活质量的高低密切相关,各类生活配套能否满足业主的长期居住需求,如何根据小区的不同特点针对性的配建合适的配套设施是本文研究的主要目的。通过以珠海市某大型高档社区作为案例,进行调查和数据收集,通过对此住宅小区现有的公共配套设施的总体配建状况、后期利用情况进行调查分析,得出初步结论和建议如下: 1.珠海在城市规划和技术准则方面具有一定的先进性。居住小区配套设施建设的制度管理体系较成熟,针对不同级别的居住小区,根据人口规模均有相应的配套设施建设指标。 2.珠海的教育设施、体育设施、文化设施、商业设施的建设都得到开发商的重视,配建水平整体较高,分析原因主要是开发商认识到硬性规定的各项配套设施指标,也是客户买房时考虑的重要因素,可以有助于房产项目的销售和升值。 3.从配套设施的满意度看,小区业主对商业设施、体育设施和教育设施的满意度较高,,而其他项目则相对较低。 4.国际知名品牌的教育设施优先进驻,既可以满足家长对现行教育设施的严格要求,也可以提前安排招生工作,扩大项目口碑影响。 5.商业设施是开发商在进行项目开发获得经济效益的重要方式,争取较大规模的商业可以有效平衡其他非盈利设施的资金投入。 6.当前珠海的配套设施指标体系对老年人关注较少,缺乏针对老年人设施的设置,作为开发企业在未来项目开发中需重点关注,满足市场需求的同时为项目带来机会。
[Abstract]:With the increasing attention of urban residents to their own quality of life, people's requirements for the living environment are becoming higher and higher. It has developed from the simple pursuit of housing area to the overall requirement of living environment. It not only requires the house to live spacious, but also the comfort of life. Convenience and other higher requirements. Followed by the emergence of residential matching various living services facilities, such as regular banks, shops, restaurants, schools, postal, beauty. With the development of the housing industry, the quality of living at the same time as supermarkets, restaurants, banks, medical care, fitness. Hotel and other related improvement of residential conditions and the function of the new urban areas of the related ancillary services followed. But with the residential area put into use, the supporting facilities have been fully utilized to achieve its value. The degree of perfection of service supporting facilities in residential areas is closely related to the quality of life of residents. Can all kinds of life support meet the long-term living needs of the owners. How to set up suitable facilities according to the different characteristics of the community is the main purpose of this paper. Through a large high-grade community in Zhuhai as a case study and data collection. Through the overall construction of the existing public supporting facilities in this residential area, and the later utilization of the investigation and analysis, the preliminary conclusions and recommendations are as follows: 1. Zhuhai has some advancedness in urban planning and technical standard. The system management system of supporting facilities construction in residential district is more mature, aiming at different levels of residential district. According to the size of the population there are corresponding supporting facilities construction indicators. 2. The construction of educational facilities, sports facilities, cultural facilities and commercial facilities in Zhuhai has been attached importance to by developers, and the overall level of construction is relatively high. The main reason for the analysis is that the developers recognize the rigid provisions of the supporting facilities indicators, but also an important factor to be considered when customers buy a house, which can be helpful to the sale and appreciation of real estate projects. 3. From the satisfaction of supporting facilities, the satisfaction of community owners on commercial facilities, sports facilities and educational facilities is higher, while other projects are relatively low. 4. The education facilities of international famous brands have priority to be stationed, which can not only meet the strict requirements of parents to the existing educational facilities, but also arrange the enrollment work ahead of time, and expand the influence of project word-of-mouth. 5. Commercial facilities are an important way for developers to obtain economic benefits from project development. Large scale businesses can effectively balance the capital investment of other non-profit facilities. 6. At present, the indicator system of supporting facilities in Zhuhai pays less attention to the elderly, and lacks the establishment of facilities for the elderly. As a development enterprise, it is necessary to focus on the development of future projects. Meet the needs of the market while providing opportunities for the project.


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1 张仁俐,赵旭,黄宽宏,张绍粱;上海市居住区公建配套设施的现状及趋势[J];住宅科技;2001年03期




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