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发布时间:2018-01-12 12:04

  本文关键词:民营房地产企业发展战略研究 出处:《华中科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产 发展战略 民营企业 企业问题

【摘要】:近年来,房地产市场增长过快,房价过高成为影响我国老百姓幸福指数的民生问题。随着国家对房地产调控政策的陆续出台,我国住宅地产的产业结构将发生转变,逐步进入民生保障与商品化合理发展的局面,房地产企业会重新洗牌,,优胜劣汰,行业的现有格局将彻底发生改变。作为竞争弱势群体的民营房地产企业,如何抓住机遇,找准市场定位,适时调整企业发展战略,为企业的可持续发展寻找到新的出路,谁就可能成为未来房地产市场的主力军。 本文以武汉当代物业发展有限公司在挑战中该如何发展为研究对象,依国家对房地产行业的调控政策为研究导向,结合目前我国房地产行业的发展状况,对区域房地产市场环境进行分析,提出了当前民营地产企业在发展过程中存在的诸多问题。这些问题主要是:国家调控政策下出现的问题,如商品房空置率提高而房价却不断上涨,土地供应方式单一造成地价不断上涨等;与国有房地产企业竞争实力不强;企业自身管理存在不足,如管理不规范、体制不健全、人才匮乏等;同时,民营地产企业普遍都存在战略管理短视,以致企业的长期发展受限制。这些问题导致民营房地产企业市场定位不准确,没有长期发展规划,企业后劲不足,面临着被淘汰出局的危险。本文针对民营地产企业发展过程中存在的问题,从政府政策和民营地产企业自身两方面提出了一些具体可操作的发展战略建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the real estate market growth is too fast, the housing price is too high to affect the well-being of our people's livelihood. With the introduction of national real estate regulation and control policies. The industrial structure of residential real estate in our country will change, step by step into the situation of livelihood security and commercialization reasonable development, real estate enterprises will reshuffle, survival of the fittest. The existing pattern of the industry will be completely changed. As a competitive vulnerable group of private real estate enterprises, how to seize the opportunity, find the right market positioning, timely adjustment of enterprise development strategy. For the sustainable development of enterprises to find a new way out, who may become the main force of the future real estate market. In this paper, Wuhan Contemporary property Development Co., Ltd. in the challenge of how to develop as the research object, according to the national regulation and control policy for the real estate industry as a research direction, combined with the current development of the real estate industry in China. This paper analyzes the regional real estate market environment and puts forward many problems existing in the development process of the private real estate enterprises. These problems are mainly: the problems under the national regulation and control policy. For example, the vacancy rate of commercial housing is increasing, but the house price is rising, and the land price is rising because of the single land supply mode. The strength of competition with state-owned real estate enterprises is not strong; There are deficiencies in the management of enterprises, such as non-standard management, imperfect system, lack of talents and so on; At the same time, private real estate enterprises generally have short-sighted strategic management, so that the long-term development of enterprises is restricted. These problems lead to inaccurate market positioning of private real estate enterprises, there is no long-term development plan. The enterprise is faced with the danger of being eliminated because of lack of stamina. This paper aims at the problems existing in the development process of the private real estate enterprises. From the government policy and the private real estate enterprise itself two aspects put forward some concrete operable development strategy suggestions.


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