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发布时间:2018-01-13 01:32

  本文关键词:中海地产水岸项目施工成本控制研究 出处:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 中海地产 水岸项目 施工成本 动态监控

【摘要】:近年来,房地产开发吸引了越来越多投资者的眼球,由于通货膨胀导致房地产的价格骤然攀升。虽然政府出台了抑制房价的政策,但是对于住宅市场尚未饱和的二线城市长春地区来讲,房价上升依然是不可阻挡的趋势,作为房地产巨头企业之一的中海地产,也卷入到这场二线城市的争霸漩涡。随着房地产开发如火如荼的展开,企业的主要竞争方式已经由促进销售转变为加强成本控制与管理,可见高效的成本控制已经成为房地产开发商的核心竞争力。 本文主要针对长春中海地产水岸项目进行施工成本控制研究,采用成本控制理论及方法对其施工成本控制进行分析探讨。本文首先阐明此项目的研究背景和研究内容,并简要介绍该项目的发展概况;之后引入了成本控制理论和方法,结合本项目的具体情况,应用因果分析法,关键比值法和成本分析表法等成本控制方法对该项目的施工成本控制进行了深度解析;通过对本项目的施工成本控制措施及效果分析,提出了进一步完善的建议。 本文侧重于理论与实际相结合,根据长春中海水岸项目施工成本控制现状,有针对性地提出了改善和进一步优化施工成本控制的建议,着重突出了成本控制理论和方法在具体项目中的实战应用,,具有较大的现实意义。希望能够为中海地产未来的开发项目和其他房地产开发商在施工成本控制方面提供经验和借鉴。
[Abstract]:In recent years, real estate development has attracted the attention of more and more investors, with inflation causing real estate prices to soar, although the government has introduced policies to curb house prices. But for the residential market is not yet saturated in Changchun, the second line city, rising house prices is still an unstoppable trend, as one of the real estate giant enterprises in Zhonghai real estate. With the development of real estate in full swing, the main competition mode of enterprises has changed from promoting sales to strengthening cost control and management. Visible efficient cost control has become the core competitiveness of real estate developers. This paper mainly aims at Changchun Zhonghai real estate waterfront project to carry on the construction cost control research. The cost control theory and method are used to analyze and discuss the construction cost control. Firstly, the research background and research content of this project are expounded, and the development of the project is briefly introduced. Then the cost control theory and method are introduced, combined with the specific situation of this project, the causality analysis method is applied. The construction cost control of the project is deeply analyzed by the key ratio method and the cost analysis table method. Based on the analysis of the construction cost control measures and effects of the project, some suggestions for further improvement are put forward. This paper focuses on the combination of theory and practice, according to the current situation of construction cost control of Changchun Zhonghai waterfront project, and puts forward some suggestions to improve and further optimize construction cost control. The application of cost control theory and method in specific projects is emphasized. Hope to provide experience and reference for the future development project of Zhonghai Real Estate and other real estate developers in construction cost control.


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