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发布时间:2018-01-14 20:39

  本文关键词:现代景观在房地产开发中的商业价值研究 出处:《西北农林科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 景观设计 商业地产 居住区景观 商业价值

【摘要】:在不断增长的现代经济中,人们不断提高对生活环境质量要求,良好的景观环境作为生活环境中最重要的部分,被开发商们及时敏锐地发现景观设计在房地产开发中所产生的商业价值。良好的景观设计,可以自然地融入商业地产,合理巧妙的规划和设计,不仅可以减少不必要的重建,而增长的内在价值可以使商业房地产增加其相关附加值,提高市场竞争力。现在更多商业地产的商业价值,,体现在于注重空间景观丰富的人文色彩和文化内涵,让人们来领略现代有品位的生活环境。本文就景观设计在商业地产中所提现的商业价值进行讨论。 本论文从商业地产的角度提出了研究的背景,从必要性和重要性两方面阐述了对房地产景观商业价值进行研究的意义。回顾了与房地产景观设计相关的概念、概述了相关的研究成果,提出了目前所存在的问题以及未来的发展趋势,为论文研究积累了知识理论;另外提出了房地产景观应遵循的原则与设计策略。以万科地产等商业航母为实例,具体分析了景观所带来的商业价值。并总结了全文的论点,并对进一步研究进行了展望。 通过本文的研究可以得出以下结论:园林景观在地产开发时,能为商业地产创造一个新价值并且让这个值提升更快。只要从当下人们追求高品质生活的实际出发,合理的规划,注意成本控制,景观价值已经成为楼市竞争下的发展新趋势,它已不再是虚拟空洞的概念营造,或依附项目销售的卖点,而是地块及项目竞争市场的关键点—景观就是效益,景观创造生活!
[Abstract]:In the growing modern economy, people continue to improve the quality of life environment requirements, good landscape environment as the most important part of the living environment. Developers in time and acutely discover the commercial value of landscape design in real estate development. Good landscape design, can naturally be incorporated into commercial real estate, reasonable and clever planning and design. Not only can unnecessary reconstruction be reduced, but the intrinsic value of growth can make commercial real estate increase its related added value and enhance market competitiveness. Now more commercial real estate commercial value. This paper discusses the commercial value of landscape design in commercial real estate. This paper puts forward the background of the research from the angle of commercial real estate, expounds the significance of the research on the commercial value of the real estate landscape from the two aspects of necessity and importance, and reviews the concepts related to the real estate landscape design. This paper summarizes the related research results, puts forward the existing problems and the future development trend, and accumulates the knowledge theory for the research of the thesis. In addition, the principles and design strategies of real estate landscape are put forward. Taking Vanke real estate and other commercial carriers as examples, the commercial value brought by landscape is analyzed concretely, and the thesis of this paper is summarized. The prospect of further research is also given. Through the study of this paper we can draw the following conclusions: landscape in real estate development. Can create a new value for commercial real estate and make the value rise faster. Just from the reality of people's pursuit of high quality life, reasonable planning, pay attention to cost control. Landscape value has become a new trend of development under the competition of the property market. It is no longer the virtual empty concept building or the selling point of the project sales, but the key point of the land and project competition market-the landscape is the benefit. Landscape creates life!


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