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发布时间:2018-01-16 23:04

  本文关键词:房地产行业汉字标志设计的应用现状探究 出处:《杭州师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 标志设计 汉字 房地产行业 应用

【摘要】:房地产行业汉字标志设计把我国传统文化与现代造型传播元素相结合,同时赋予了汉字新的时代特征。汉字标志设计的古朴中透露出的现代精神,同时也突显出历史沉淀所具有的东方美和鲜明的中国特色。具有现代感的汉字标志设计,无论是在造型、传播、文化背景都丰富而合理,使的汉字标志设计在体现创造性的同时也展现中华文化,是中华文化新的独特载体。本文以房地产行业汉字标志设计的应用现状作为此次论文的写作的主体,选取了当今比较热门,同时在国内又具有举足轻重地位的房地产行业作为典型,通过五个章节的内容进行阐述说明。本文的侧重点主要是在于第四章节的实例举证,并通过第五章节对前面所有的章节做了一定的总结和对未来的房地产行业汉字标志设计的设计师提出了一些建议与方法。 汉字和标志都是一种符号,两者具备相似的功能,都是将信息融入到符号中,然后传达给受众的一种形式,将汉字与标志结合,在突出标志信息传递功能的同时又可以突出深厚的文化底蕴,目前的市场竞争不再单纯是产品的竞争,更多的是品牌的竞争,企业文化的竞争。随着国人对传统文化的越来越重视,结合现代感的多种多样的汉字标志形式的应用一定会越来越广泛。
[Abstract]:The Chinese character logo design of real estate industry combines the traditional culture of our country with the modern modeling communication elements, at the same time, it endows the Chinese character with the new characteristics of the times, and the modern spirit revealed in the ancient simplicity of the Chinese character logo design. At the same time, it also highlights the oriental beauty and distinctive Chinese characteristics of historical precipitation. The modern Chinese character logo design is rich and reasonable in shape, communication and cultural background. The Chinese character logo design is the new unique carrier of Chinese culture. This paper takes the application status of Chinese character logo design in real estate industry as the main body of this paper. Select the hot and at the same time in the domestic real estate industry as a typical. Through the content of five chapters to explain. The focus of this paper is mainly on the case of 4th chapters. And through 5th chapters of all the previous chapters to do a certain summary of the future of the real estate industry Chinese character logo design designers put forward some suggestions and methods. Chinese characters and symbols are symbols, they have similar functions, they are information into the symbol, and then convey to the audience of a form, the combination of Chinese characters and signs. At the same time, the market competition is not only the product competition, but also the brand competition. The competition of corporate culture. With the increasing attention of Chinese to traditional culture, the application of various forms of Chinese characters with modern feeling will be more and more extensive.


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