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发布时间:2018-01-19 04:07

  本文关键词: 房屋承租人优先购买权 性质 效力 完善 出处:《南京师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:房屋承租人优先购买权是指承租人在租赁合同有效期内,所租赁房屋被出卖时,依照法律的规定在一定期限内享有同等条件下优先于第三人购买其所租赁房屋的权利。在出租人和第三人签订房屋买卖合同之前,承租人因“同等条件”不存在而不能行使优先购买权。房屋承租人优先购买权是一项法定权利,不可约定排除、不可转让,表现在制度的产生和权利行使上的法定性;房屋承租人优先购买权具有限制性,该权利的存在本身就是对房屋所有权人行使自由处分权的限制,同时,承租人在行使该权利时也应受到一定的限制。 在现实经济交往中,由于房屋所有权人将已经出租的房屋出售给第三人而与承租人发生纠纷,或者损害承租人优先购买权的案件时有发生。而现行法律的不完善,导致在审判实践中对房屋承租人优先购买权的法律性质认识不一,进而对案件的实体处理不尽相同。房屋承租人优先购买权应具备形成权的性质,形成权说更有利于保障和救济承租人的利益。房屋承租人优先购买权的效力应结合登记备案制度来确定,即租赁合同未经登记,优先购买权的效力不得对抗善意的、已经取得房屋所有权的第三人。 时至今日。房屋承租人优先购买权制度仍有其存在的价值,其在保护承租人的利益,维护房地产秩序、追求效率、稳定社会等方面发挥着重要作用,其不足之处,在今后的立法过程中应加以完善而不能被废除。具体完善措施如下:第 明确房屋适用性质和租赁期间限制。应当将有居住目的的“住房”作为承租人优先购买权的客体,而将商业用房排除在外;从租赁期间上看,不应当赋予所有承租人以优先购买权,只有在6个月以上的定期租赁合同中,承租人才宜享有优先购买权。第二,细化出租人通知义务。在出租人与第三人的购买条件发生变更时,出租人仍负有通知义务,此外,通知的形式应为书面通知。第三,明确承租人行使优先购买权的期间制度。出租人和承租人若对优先购买权的行使期限没有作出约定,承租人应当在收到通知后15日内行使优先购买权。如果出租人未履行通知义务或有其他侵犯承租人优先购买权行为的,承租人应当从知道或者应当知道房屋出卖事实之日起1年内行使优先购买权。第四,明确该权利的性质和效力。性质为形成权;具有对抗第三人的效力,结合登记公示制度。第五,规定承租人优先购买权禁止转让和继承原则。房屋承租人优先购买权不得转让,也不得继承;但在承租人死亡后,其优先购买权转移于与其生前共同居住的配偶和家属,后者在承租人死亡后一个月内对出租人明确表示反对参与到租赁关系中的除外。第六,明确规定房屋承租人优先购买权无法实现时的救济。房屋承租人优先购买权受到侵害时,可以请求损害赔偿,赔偿范围包括承租人搬家费用、另行购买或者寻租房屋的损失以及因此而产生的交通、餐旅等费用。
[Abstract]:The preemption right of the lessee refers to the right of the lessee to purchase the leased property under the same conditions within a certain period of time under the law . The lessee may not exercise the preemption right under the same conditions within a certain period of time under the law . The lessee ' s preemption right is a legal right , cannot be agreed to be ruled out , not transferable , shows the limitation of the exercise of the right of freedom of the owner of the house , and at the same time , the lessee shall be subject to certain restrictions in exercising the right . In the practical economic intercourse , because the owner of the house sells the house which has already been rented to the third person and disputes with the lessee or damages the lessee ' s preemption right , the current law is not perfect , which leads to the lack of the legal nature of the preemption right of the house lessee in the trial practice , thus the entity treatment of the case is different . The effect of the right of preemption of the house lessee should be determined by the registration filing system , namely , the lease contract is not registered , the effect of the preemption right is not against the goodwill , and the third person who has obtained the ownership of the house has been obtained . As to today , the system of preemption of housing tenants still has the value of its existence , which plays an important role in protecting the interests of the lessee , maintaining the real estate order , pursuing efficiency , stabilizing society , etc . , its deficiency , which should be perfected in the future legislative process and cannot be abolished . The specific improvement measures are as follows : Article 6 . If the lessor fails to fulfill the obligation of notice or otherwise violates the lessee ' s preferential right of purchase , the lessee shall exercise the priority purchase right within 1 year from the date of receipt of the notice .



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