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发布时间:2018-01-20 15:10

  本文关键词: 电梯 自我检验 法定检验 法律属性 出处:《大连海事大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Nowadays, the real estate industry is booming, but also driving the development of its related subsidiary industries, including the elevator industry. With the construction of a variety of higher and higher. Elevators also become an indispensable tool in people's lives. However, because elevators belong to a kind of vertical lifting tools, there are some risks in the running process. Therefore, before the elevator is put into use. The elevator inspection work can prevent the hidden trouble elevator from flowing into the market on the one hand; In practice, elevator inspection can be divided into two categories: one is self-inspection by elevator producer or user entrusted by third party; The other is the statutory inspection conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Special equipment Safety Law of the people's Republic of China. These two types of inspections play a vital role in the quality control of elevators. From the perspective of legal attributes. The two types of elevator inspection form are completely different. This paper mainly discusses the legal attributes of these two elevator inspection. The first part of this paper is a whole description of elevator inspection in China. Elevator inspection is. It's part of elevator management. So the first article is a brief description of elevator management. After the description of elevator management, it is a description of elevator inspection. The second part is the study of the legal attributes of elevator self-inspection. Elevator self-inspection is the first time of elevator inspection. Test. Is also the basis for later statutory testing. In this part. It is mainly through the analysis of the elevator self-examination subject to explain its legal attribute. The elevator self-examination has a certain degree of freedom in the choice of the inspection subject. Not only can be carried out by the elevator manufacturer's own internal inspection organization, but also can be entrusted to other inspection agencies. But no matter what the main body is, it is a factual behavior. The third part is the core part of this paper, mainly talking about the legal attributes of elevator legal inspection. This paper has practical significance for the legal attribute of elevator legal inspection. Through the qualitative analysis of the legal attribute, we can determine if there is a dispute. What kind of lawsuit should be brought to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the party applying for inspection. This will also explain the justiciability of the statutory inspection. It is necessary to clarify the legal attributes of the elevator inspection in China. In the process of licensing reform. Remove the statutory inspection of special equipment from it. This causes the legal attribute of the legal inspection that belongs to the administrative license to have a fundamental change. The main subject is to study the legal attribute of the legal inspection of the elevator as the special equipment after the reform. What should the legal attribute of the legal inspection of the elevator as the special equipment belong to in the end. Yeah. And through this question, if the elevator producer is not satisfied with the results of the inspection, how should relief.


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