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  本文关键词: 绩效评价 绩效管理 绩效激励 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着房地产市场竞争环境的日趋严峻、调控政策不断严厉,,中小型房地产开发企业要想取得持续的发展,不被市场所淘汰,必须在内部管理上狠下功夫。已成立十余年的东方今典房地产公司在关乎企业核心竞争力的绩效管理方面存在一些问题,因此对此公司现行的绩效管理系统所做深入研究对于实现企业可持续发展的长远目标具有重要意义。 本文以发展中的东方今典房地产公司为研究对象,针对其经营现状和战略发展需要,结合绩效管理相关理论和知识,深入挖掘此公司目前绩效管理各个环节中存在的诸多问题,并分析其根本原因,针对不同的问题提出相应的解决方法,并将最影响绩效管理有效实施的激励策略重点进行阐述,提出相应的见解。改进后的绩效管理体系深刻领会绩效管理的精髓,运用绩效管理理论和知识并综合运用平衡计分法(BSC)、关键绩效指标(KPI)及目标管理等绩效评价方法,使得此系统相对于公司之前的绩效管理有很大改进,在管理体系的系统上更加完备,注重绩效管理中管理意识的上下统一,在绩效计划设定时更加科学,在绩效实施中强调科学的过程控制,在绩效考核与评价时更具有可操作性,通过表格等一些辅助管理手段可真正落实绩效反馈和面谈,在绩效结果的应用上注重与其他管理系统相结合,譬如绩效激励系统,通过以上环节针对性的改进,相信新的绩效管理系统及绩效激励体系对于提升发展中的房地产企业管理水平和改善企业运营效果大有裨益。
[Abstract]:With the increasingly severe competition environment of the real estate market, the regulation and control policies are increasingly strict, small and medium-sized real estate development enterprises want to achieve sustainable development, not eliminated by the market. We must make great efforts in the internal management. There are some problems in the performance management of the core competitiveness of the enterprise, which has been established for more than ten years. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the current performance management system to achieve the long-term goal of sustainable development of enterprises. This paper takes the developing Dongfang Jindian real estate company as the research object, according to its management status and strategic development needs, combined with the performance management theory and knowledge. Dig into the company's current performance management in the various aspects of the existing problems, and analyze the root causes of different problems to put forward the corresponding solutions. And will most affect the effective implementation of performance management incentive strategy focus on the relevant views. The improved performance management system deeply understand the essence of performance management. Using the theory and knowledge of performance management and comprehensive use of balanced scoring method, key performance indicators (KPI) and objective management and other performance evaluation methods. Make this system compared with the company before the performance management has a great improvement, in the management system more complete, pay attention to the management consciousness in the performance management up and down unified, in the performance plan set up more scientific. Emphasis on scientific process control in performance implementation, performance evaluation and evaluation more operational, through some forms and other auxiliary management means can truly implement performance feedback and interview. In the application of performance results focus on the integration with other management systems, such as performance incentive system, through the above links targeted improvement. It is believed that the new performance management system and the performance incentive system will be of great benefit to improving the management level of the developing real estate enterprises and improving the operation effect of the enterprises.


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