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发布时间:2018-01-20 22:32

  本文关键词: 房地产 竞争战略 龙岩市 商业地产 出处:《昆明理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:房地产是国民经济发展的支柱产业。近年来,由于国际、国内宏观经济环境的影响,我国的房地产价格上涨幅度很大,为了防止房地产泡沫的产生对国民经济带来危害,我国政府相继出台了对房地产行业的宏观调控措施。在大环境趋紧的情况下,房地产行业的竞争加剧,随着大型房地产企业向二、三线城市的战略转移,龙岩市LT房地产有限公司受到了显得威胁。作为龙岩市本土的房地产开发企业,LT房地产有限公司急需调整竞争战略,以充分发挥自身优势,在竞争中立于不败之地。 龙岩市位于福建省西南部,作为福建省的二线城市,是距离厦门特区最近的邻海内陆城市,具有城市区位优势,立体交通系统逐渐完善,地理交通优势逐渐显现,区域经济快速发展,GDP增幅高于全国的平均水平,居民的购买力和消费水平较高,第二产业占主导地位,产业结构处于调整阶段,城镇化速度加快,商业和流通业比较活跃。在此背景下,LT房地产有限公司将中长期的发展战略定位于龙岩市商业地产,旨在打造国际化的商业综合体,与其他房地产公司的开发项目共同形成了龙岩市新区的中心商圈。 本文通过竞争战略的理论研究,结合LT房地产有限公司的实际项目运作和发展情况,对LT公司所在的龙岩市房地产市场总体状况和市场结构、行业竞争态势、进行分析,对LT房地产有限公司的经营现状和优、劣势情况等行业竞争因素进行了剖析,针对LT公司的具体情况,结合内外部环境分析,提出了房地产竞争战略选择方案和战略实施方案。 龙岩市房地产行业关于企业战略管理方面的理论研究相对比较欠缺,本文通过对LT房地产有限公司发展战略和竞争战略的研究,形成较为系统的理论分析构架和较为明确的研究结论,目的是为LT房地产有限公司的健康、稳定的发展提供理论指导,同时对房地产相关企业起到借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:Real estate is the pillar industry of the national economy development. In recent years, because of the influence of the international and domestic macroeconomic environment, the real estate price of our country rises greatly. In order to prevent the real estate bubble from harming the national economy, our government has introduced the macro-control measures to the real estate industry one after another. Under the circumstances of the tightening of the environment, the competition of the real estate industry intensifies. With the strategic transfer of large real estate enterprises to the second and third tier cities, LT Real Estate Co., Ltd. of Longyan City is threatened. LT Real Estate Co., Ltd. urgently needs to adjust its competitive strategy in order to give full play to its own advantages and remain invincible in the competition. Longyan City is located in the southwest of Fujian Province, as the second line city of Fujian Province, is the nearest adjacent sea inland city to Xiamen Special Zone, has the city location superiority, the three-dimensional transportation system gradually consummates. Geographical traffic advantages gradually appear, the rapid development of regional economy GDP growth is higher than the national average level, residents' purchasing power and consumption level is high, the secondary industry occupies the leading position, the industrial structure is in the adjustment stage. Under this background, LT Real Estate Co., Ltd. will focus on the long-term development strategy of the commercial real estate in Longyan City, in order to create an international commercial complex. With the development of other real estate companies, the formation of Longyan City New District of the center of business. Through the theoretical study of competition strategy, combined with the actual project operation and development of LT Real Estate Co., Ltd., this paper analyzes the overall situation and market structure of the real estate market in Longyan City, where LT Company is located. Industry competition situation, the analysis of LT real estate Co., Ltd. operating situation and advantages, disadvantages and other industry competition factors are analyzed, in view of the specific situation of LT company, combined with the internal and external environment analysis. Put forward the real estate competition strategy choice scheme and the strategy implementation plan. Longyan real estate industry on the strategic management of the relatively lacking of theoretical research, this paper through the LT Real Estate Co., Ltd. development strategy and competition strategy research. The purpose of this paper is to provide theoretical guidance for the healthy and stable development of LT Real Estate Co., Ltd.


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