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发布时间:2018-01-21 13:55

  本文关键词: 刚需住宅 成都市场 购房决策 影响因素 区位选择 出处:《四川农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着我国土地使用制度和城镇住宅制度的不断调整和改革深化,全国房地产市场逐渐趋于成熟。2012年由于限购政策持续,全国众多城市政策微调支持刚需住宅并对二套房及大面积住宅进行限制,成都也不例外。成都市刚需住宅占据整个住宅市场79%的市场份额,其中30%分布在主城区,49%分布在城市近郊区。从2007年开始,成都近郊区域发展迅速,房地产开发纷纷进入龙泉、双流、温江、犀浦等区域,消费者在购房时,会面临在主城区与城郊住宅进行选择的问题,因此开发商就需要了解不同区位的购房者在个体、家庭及其它特征上有何差异,从而做好差异化产品和差异化营销。对政府而言,搞清消费者购房选择的主要影响因素,也有利于宏观调控手段的执行。 鉴于此,本文即从消费者出发,对成都市的购房者在住宅区位选择上的影响因素差异展开研究。首先,本文回顾了国内外相关文献,在此基础上找到本文的研究切入点,阐述本文的研究思路、研究内容、研究方法及研究框架,并对消费者行为理论、效用经济学理论、马斯洛需要层次理论和区位理论进行介绍,说明这些理论对本文的研究启示。其次,对我国的住房制度改革及成都市住宅市场现状进行了描述,并通过与其他城市的横向对比分析,以进一步了解成都市住宅市场的发展水平。然后,在定性分析成都市住宅市场的基础上,本文选取四个维度(个体及家庭特征、住宅特征、价值特征和心理特征)作为实证研究变量,对成都市6个楼盘438组样本数据进行描述性统计分析和Logit计量分析,了解消费者在住宅区位选择上的影响因素差异。最后结合本次研究成果,对成都市不同区位住宅市场的健康发展提出有针对性的建议。 通过上述内容的分析,本文得出如下结论:(1)刚需住宅在各城市住宅市场中均占据较大份额,政策调控对二线城市刚需住宅影响较小。成都、武汉、郑州等二线城市的刚需住宅市场份额均超过50%。(2)消费者在选择不同区位的住宅时受多种因素共同影响,计量结果表明,家庭收入、工作地点、成都居住时间、住宅的交通属性、住宅的环境属性、住宅的价格以及增值潜力七个变量对消费者购房区位选择有显著影响。(3)主城区与郊区住宅的价值差异逐年缩小。随着城市化进程的加快,主城区面积扩大,郊区未来预期更好,导致城郊住宅与主城区住宅价格差异缩小。(4)从住宅属性上看,公共交通的完善、城郊优质环境和城郊大型城市综合体的发展三个因素共同影响人们选择城郊住宅。(5)购房自住者仍然关心其未来的增值潜力,而并非仅投资者才关注其增值属性。郊区购房者比主城区购房者更关注增值潜力。(6)建筑因素和心理因素对刚需购房者的区位选择无显著影响。 针对上述实证研究结论,本文对成都市刚需住宅的健康发展提出如下建议:(1)加强城郊基础设施、配套设施建设。将部分购房者转移到市郊,解决部分家庭买不起高价房的问题,并使主城区需求降低,一定程度上降低主城区房价。(2)加强住宅小区内部规划建设,进一步增强城郊楼盘的竞争力。(3)对企业而言,准确定位消费者,对不同区位的购房者,按其对不同区位住宅的因素敏感性,有针对性进行营销活动,突出住宅产品竞争力。(4)对消费者而言,结合自身情况,综合分析各种因素,理性选择效用最大化的住宅。(5)对政府而言,积极运用信贷政策、货币政策、税收政策等宏观调控工具,通过宏观手段间接影响住宅价格、心理预期、增值空间等变量进而影响消费者的区位选择,用以平衡市场结构,保证城郊和主城区住宅的健康发展。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the deepening of China's land use system and urban housing system unceasing reform and adjustment, the national real estate market has gradually become mature in.2012 due to the purchase of the policy, just need housing and the two suite and large residential area in city limits support numerous national policy fine-tuning, Chengdu is no exception. Just in Chengdu city residential housing market to occupy the entire market share of 79%, of which 30% are located in the downtown area, 49% are located in suburban areas. The city from the beginning of 2007, the rapid development of the suburban area of Chengdu, the real estate development have entered Longquan, Shuangliu, Wenjiang, Xipu and other regions, consumers in the purchase, will face the choice in the main urban areas and suburbs the problems of housing, so developers need to understand the different location of the property buyers in the individual, what are the differences between families and other characteristics, and well differentiated products and differentiated marketing of government. To make clear the main factors affecting the choice of consumer purchase, it is also beneficial to the implementation of macro control means.
In view of this, this article is starting from the consumer, research on difference of Chengdu property buyers in residential location choice factors. Firstly, this paper reviews the related literature at home and abroad, on the basis of this study to find the breakthrough point, elaborated the research ideas, research content, research methods and research framework, and the utility of consumer behavior theory, economics theory, Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory and location theory, explains the research implications of these theories for this paper. Secondly, on China's housing system reform and the Chengdu housing market situation are described, and by comparison with other city's analysis, in order to further understand the development level of Chengdu city in the housing market. Then, based on qualitative analysis of Chengdu housing market, this paper selects four dimensions (individual and family residential characteristics, characteristics, characteristics and psychological value Features) as the empirical research variables, analysis descriptive statistical analysis and Logit measurement of Chengdu city 6 projects in 438 groups of sample data, differences in understanding the factors that influence consumers in the residential location choice. Finally, the results of this study, the healthy development of Chengdu city residential location different field put forward some suggestions.
Through the above analysis, this paper draws the following conclusions: (1) just need to occupy a larger share in the residential housing market in the city, policy on the second tier city just need housing less affected. Chengdu, Wuhan, Zhengzhou and other second tier city just need housing market share of more than 50%. (2) consumer choice in different location the house is influenced by various factors, the measurement results show that the income of the family, work place, Chengdu residence time, the traffic of residential property, residential property environment, housing prices and the potential value of the seven variables on consumer purchase location choice has significant effect. (3) the value difference between urban and rural residential reduced year by year. With the city to speed up the process, the main urban area expansion, is expected to better suburban future, resulting in reduced suburban residential and urban residential price differences. (4) from the residential property, public transportation. Good quality, suburban environment and suburban development of large city complex three factors influence people to choose suburban housing. (5) the purchase owner occupier still cares about the potential future value-added, not only to pay attention to its value attributes. Investors pay more attention to the potential value of suburban buyers than city buyers (6) building. Factors and psychological factors on the location choice of buyers just need to have no significant effect.
According to the findings, this article on the city of Chengdu just need to put forward the following suggestions: the healthy development of housing (1) to strengthen the urban infrastructure, the construction of supporting facilities. Part of the purchase will be transferred to the suburbs, solve some families can not afford Gaojiefang problems, and make the city needs to reduce, to some extent reduce the price the main urban areas. (2) to strengthen internal residential planning and construction, and further enhance the competitiveness of suburban development. (3) for enterprises, accurate positioning of consumers in different location of the buyers, according to the different factors of residential location sensitivity, there are marketing activities targeted, outstanding residential products competitiveness. (4) for consumers, combined with their own situation, a comprehensive analysis of all factors, the rational choice of utility maximization housing. (5) to the government, actively use credit policy, monetary policy, tax policy and other macro-control tools, through macro This means indirectly affects housing price, psychological expectation, value-added space and other variables, which will affect the location choice of consumers, so as to balance the market structure and ensure the healthy development of suburban and urban residential areas.



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