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发布时间:2018-01-21 20:44

  本文关键词: 房地产开发 住区规划 体验区营造 景观设计 植物配置 出处:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:住宅体验区也称之为样板房区或者住宅示范区,随着中国房地产的迅速发展,逐渐成为售楼处营销活动的一个重要的组成部分。它是在项目中选取合适位置和有代表性户型,并以此为中心规划出具有特色的景观和参观路线。住宅体验区的景观能代表开发商实力,也是代表楼盘特色的景观区域,体验区景观的好坏能够对客户购买住宅产生较大影响。 住宅体验区是基于中国商品房预售制度下的特色产物,与大多数发达国家卖现楼不同,我国允许商品房项目投资一定比例就可以进行提前销售回笼资金。在国家密集的宏观调控政策下,房地产行业的竞争日趋激烈。房地产行业也应摈弃暴利时代,走向更理性成熟,努力提升项目品质创造优美生活环境。住宅体验区是房产商展示实力和形象,向客户勾画美好生活的重要舞台,伴随着人们对住区环境的要求提高,体验区中的景观规划更是房地产项目设计策划的重中之重。 本文将住宅体验区景观营造作为主要论述对象,通过实地调研与考察方式,收集大量图纸、图片资料,并结合现代住区景观规划研究理论和体验式营销理论,对住宅体验区景观规划设计建造手法做了全面深入系统的研究分析,通过研究住宅体验区景观与住区景观的联系与区别、体验区与营销的结合方式、体验区景观成本和施工管理等各个因素。提出现有景观规划利与弊,总结最佳住宅体验区景观营造模式。具体分为以下五个部分: 第一部分(提出问题)介绍研究的目的和意义,解释住宅体验区的概念,并对国内外相关研究进行综述,提出具体研究方法和论文框架。 第二部分(分析问题)首先是住区景观规划理论和住宅体验式营销理论的研究,,然后是两者结合的理论基础研究。 第三部分(解决问题)通过资料分析、实地调研、项目对比的方式为体验区景观规划提供现实基础,并提出设计原则。 第四部分(结合案例说明)将设计原则贯彻到实例,并分析和检验其效果。 第五部分(结论)体验区景观营造的结论。
[Abstract]:Housing experience area is also called model housing area or housing demonstration area, with the rapid development of real estate in China. Gradually become an important part of sales office marketing activities. It is in the project to select the appropriate location and representative household. The residential experience area can represent the strength of the developers, but also represents the characteristics of the landscape area of the real estate. Experience the landscape of the area can have a greater impact on the customer purchase of housing. The residential experience area is based on the Chinese commercial housing pre-sale system under the characteristics of the product, and most developed countries are different from the sale of real estate. Under the intensive macro-control policy of the country, the competition of the real estate industry is becoming increasingly fierce. The real estate industry should also abandon the era of profiteering. Towards more rational maturity, strive to improve the quality of the project to create a beautiful living environment. Residential experience area is a real estate business to show strength and image, to describe the important stage of good life to customers. With the increasing demand for residential environment, landscape planning in the experience area is the most important part of the real estate project design. This article takes the residential experience area landscape construction as the main discussion object, through the field investigation and inspection way, collects the massive drawing, the picture material, and unifies the modern residential district landscape planning research theory and the experience marketing theory. Through the study of residential experience area landscape and residential landscape contact and difference, experience area and marketing combination. Experience area landscape cost and construction management and other factors. Put forward the advantages and disadvantages of the existing landscape planning, summed up the best residential experience area landscape construction model. Specifically divided into the following five parts: The first part (asking questions) introduces the purpose and significance of the research, explains the concept of the residential experience area, and summarizes the related studies at home and abroad, and puts forward the specific research methods and the framework of the paper. The second part (analysis) is the research of residential landscape planning theory and residential experiential marketing theory, and then the theoretical basis of the combination of the two. The third part (problem solving) provides the realistic foundation for the experience area landscape planning through the data analysis, the field investigation and the project contrast, and puts forward the design principle. Part 4th (case description) applies design principles to examples and analyses and tests their effects. Part 5th (conclusion) the conclusion of landscape construction of experience area.


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