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发布时间:2018-01-25 02:29

  本文关键词: 吕梁市 住房市场 住房需求 影响因素 出处:《山西财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着城镇化步伐的加快,山西省吕梁市城镇人口数量快速增加、不同层次或职业的城镇居民家庭收入差距拉大等原因导致对住房的需求总量增加的同时对不同区域、不同结构、不同户型面积住房的需求也发生了较大的变化,因此,深入研究吕梁市城镇居民住房需求状况进而不断完善住房供应计划及政策有着较强的现实意义。 本文以吕梁市住房需求为研究对象,根据对吕梁市的房地产市场实际情况的理解,结合历年关于吕梁市住房市场的相关数据,概括出了近年来吕梁市住房市场的基本情况。然后根据对吕梁市居民住房需求抽样调查问卷的分析,总结出影响吕梁市居民住房需求的相关因素,并提出相应的对策和建议。本文的主要研究方法主要有:文献研究法、定性分析法、定量分析法以及描述性研究法。 影响住房市场发展的最主要因素就是住房需求的变化,,住房需求是研究住房供给的出发点,也是引起住房供应体系变动的原因。通过对住房市场的需求进行有效正确的分析,归纳出它的发展规律,充分掌握其发展趋势,就可以对政府部门制定相关政策提供帮助,对房地产市场的发展提供帮助。本文以吕梁市的住房市场需求为研究对象,首先介绍了国内外相关的研究成果,通过文献研究法对研究所涉及的基本概念和一些基础理论予以详细解释说明,主要包括住房的概念、属性和分类,还有住房市场需求的概念和相关特征等;其次,通过描述性分析的发放从历年来吕梁市的经济状况、住房市场情况、住房销售情况等方面的相关数据统计介绍了吕梁市的住房市场概况;然后,通过定性、定量分析对问卷调查出的相关数据统计来分析吕梁市现在的房产市场状况,并归纳出吕梁市居民住房需求的现状以及影响吕梁市城市居民住房需求的因素;最后,归纳和分析提出吕梁市住房市场存在的问题有住房总量供给不足、中等户型住房和经济适用房的住房供给不足、中低价位住房供给不足、房价涨幅过快,同时为其今后的发展提出的建议有调整收入结构,提高整体收入水平,抑制房价增长过快,增强利率对住房市场的调节作用,合理引导人们树立正确的住房消费观。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of urbanization, the number of urban population in Luliang City of Shanxi Province is increasing rapidly. Different levels or occupations of urban residents' income gap has caused the increase of the total demand for housing, while the different regions, different structures, different types of housing demand has also changed greatly. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the housing demand of urban residents in Luliang and improve the housing supply plan and policy. This article takes the housing demand of Luliang as the research object, according to the understanding of the real estate market of Luliang, combined with the relevant data of the housing market in Luliang over the years. This paper summarizes the basic situation of housing market in Luliang City in recent years. Then according to the analysis of the sample survey questionnaire of housing demand of residents in Luliang City, it summarizes the relevant factors that affect the housing demand of residents in Luliang City. The main research methods of this paper are literature research method, qualitative analysis method, quantitative analysis method and descriptive research method. The most important factor affecting the development of housing market is the change of housing demand, which is the starting point of housing supply research. It is also the cause of the change of housing supply system. Through the effective and correct analysis of the demand of housing market, the author concludes its development law and fully grasps its development trend. This paper takes the housing market demand of Luliang city as the research object, first introduces the domestic and foreign related research results. The basic concepts and some basic theories involved in the study are explained in detail by the literature research method, including the concept, attributes and classification of housing, as well as the concept and relevant characteristics of housing market demand. Secondly, through the descriptive analysis of the distribution of Luliang City over the years from the economic situation, housing market situation, housing sales and other aspects of the relevant data statistics to introduce the housing market situation of Luliang City; Then, through qualitative and quantitative analysis of the questionnaire survey of the relevant data statistics to analyze the current situation of the real estate market in Luliang. The present situation of housing demand of residents in Luliang city and the factors influencing the housing demand of residents in Luliang city are summarized. Finally, the paper summarizes and analyzes the problems existing in the housing market of Luliang City, such as the insufficient supply of the total housing stock, the shortage of the housing supply of the middle-sized housing units and comfortable housing's housing, the insufficient supply of low-and low-priced housing, and the rapid increase of the housing prices. At the same time, the suggestions for its future development are to adjust the income structure, improve the overall income level, curb the rapid growth of house prices, and enhance the adjustment of interest rates on the housing market. Reasonably guide people to establish a correct view of housing consumption.


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