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发布时间:2018-01-25 02:29

  本文关键词: 信息化 精细管理 战略体系 出处:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年,房地产开发企业的高盈利掩盖了诸多其内部企业发展问题。然而,社会经济的变化、消费需求的变化以及国家控制政策的变化实质上已经对房地产开发企业的转型提出呼声。企业的布局、盈利模式、管理模式和产品服务都在发生着深刻的变化,,伴随这些变化,无数的房地产企业开始关注精细化管理,大刀阔斧规划企业信息化建设,而且呈现出迅速发展的势头。 但是目前的房地产企业在信息化发展方面是参差不齐,有些没有开展信息化建设仍停留在粗放型的管理模式上,有些则停留在信息化的初步建设上,距离信息化高水平以及通过信息化高效的推动企业发展的路似乎尚有些漫长。如何充分利用信息化手段有效提高房地产企业的效率,加快企业发展并实现房地产的精细化转型就是摆在房地产开发企业面前的重点课题之一。 本文针对上述现象,一方面,从房地产企业面临的市场环境变化、内容效率现状入手,深刻剖析了房地产企业发展面临的主要问题,并在此基础上,提出信息化建设的必要性。另一方面,从目前房地产企业的信息化发展现状入手,针对房地产企业如何开展信息化建设并助力企业提升效益提出自己的观点,即房地产开发企业要走“信息化战略”发展之路。信息化战略是一个体系性工程,它不是简单的一个办公OA,也不是企业内部的某一个机构的局部的信息化,而是与公司转型战略相符合的一整套帮助公司战略实现的信息化工程。它的背后是企业文化的烘托,它生长在每一个员工的心里,它也存在于每位员工的重点工作之中。最后本文还在融合房地产企业内和其他行业信息化建设经验的基础上,就具体的信息化战略的操作规范、流程、具体内容进行阐述。以期待通过信息化战略打造出房地产企业文化制度化、制度流程化、流程系统化、系统高效化,房地产企业通过信息化战略工程,能全面提升企业的综合竞争实力,真正实现精细化管理,最终赢得顾客,赢得市场。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the high profits of real estate development enterprises cover up many internal enterprise development problems. However, the social and economic changes. The change of consumption demand and the change of national control policy have in essence put forward the voice to the transformation of the real estate development enterprise. The layout of the enterprise, the profit pattern, the management mode and the product and service are all undergoing profound changes. With these changes, numerous real estate enterprises began to pay attention to fine management, planning enterprise information construction, and showing a rapid development momentum. However, the current real estate enterprises in the development of information is uneven, some did not carry out information construction still stay in the extensive management mode, some stay in the preliminary construction of information. It seems that there is a long way to go from the high level of informatization and the efficient promotion of enterprise development through informatization. How to make full use of information technology means to effectively improve the efficiency of real estate enterprises. Speeding up the development of enterprises and realizing the fine transformation of real estate is one of the key topics in front of real estate development enterprises. This article aims at the above phenomenon, on the one hand, from the real estate enterprise faces the market environment change, the content efficiency present situation, has deeply analyzed the real estate enterprise development facing the main question, and on this foundation. On the other hand, starting with the current situation of information development of real estate enterprises, the author puts forward his own views on how to carry out information construction and help the enterprises to enhance the efficiency of real estate enterprises. That is, real estate development enterprises should take the road of "information strategy" development. Information strategy is a systematic project, it is not a simple office OAA, nor is it a part of the information of an organization within the enterprise. It is a whole set of information engineering that helps the company strategy to realize in line with the company transformation strategy. Behind it is the culture of the enterprise, it grows in the heart of every employee. It also exists in the key work of each employee. Finally, this paper also integrates the experience of information construction in real estate enterprises and other industries, on the basis of the specific information strategy operational norms, processes. In order to hope to create the real estate enterprise culture institutionalization, system flow, process systematization, system high efficiency, real estate enterprises through the information strategy project. It can improve the comprehensive competitive strength of the enterprise, realize the fine management, win the customers and win the market.


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