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  本文关键词: 倒按揭 房屋所有权 权利义务 出处:《烟台大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:人口老龄化已经成为一个全球性的社会问题。根据第五次人口普查的数据,我国已于2000年步入老龄化国家的行列。但是由于我国社会保障体系还不够健全,社会公共养老资源匮乏,加上“四二一”家庭和空巢家庭的大量涌现,使得子女养老难度加大,养老问题面临巨大压力,寻求新的养老模式刻不容缓。在此背景下应运而生的倒按揭贷款制度无疑为老年人提供了一种新的融资方式。将许多人倾其一生积蓄买的房子在其晚年时转换成现金贷款,不仅能够保障老年人老有所养,提高老年人生活质量,更减轻了社会养老压力,促进社会的和谐稳定。 倒按揭贷款在国外的成功运作引起了我国社会各界的广泛关注,国内一些大中城市相继推出了类似于倒按揭贷款的举措,加上我国住房自有化率的提高,房地产市场的日益活跃和金融机构迫切寻求金融创新,都为构建具有中国特色的倒按揭制度提供了可行性。 本文主要分为四个部分。 第一部分主要介绍构建我国倒按揭制度的法理基础,确立以抵押权基础说作为倒按揭贷款的理论基础之后,分析倒按揭制度与住房抵押制度的区别。 第二部分主要介绍我国倒按揭制度的主体,倒按揭作为一种引入制度,在借鉴美国成功经验的基础上应当具有我国自己的特色,明确倒按揭中涉及的法律关系。 第三部分主要研究倒按揭的标的物,,国外要求倒按揭的标的物是借款人拥有自有产权的房屋,由于我国土地制度特殊,城镇住宅用于申请倒按揭贷款自然不存在问题,但是农村住宅和城镇不完全产权房能否成为倒按揭贷款的担保标的物,以及城镇住宅建设用地的期限问题将是本章的研究重点。 第四部分主要研究倒按揭主体的权利义务,任何一种法律关系中都存在相对应的权利义务,当事人了解自己的权利和义务,才能更好地参与到倒按揭中来,才能推进倒按揭制度的持续发展。
[Abstract]:Population ageing has become a global social problem, according to data from the 5th census. In 2000, our country has stepped into the ranks of aging country. However, because our social security system is not perfect enough, the social public endowment resources are scarce, and "421" families and empty nest families emerge in large numbers. It makes it more difficult for children to provide for the aged, and the problem of providing for the aged faces great pressure. It is urgent to seek a new pension model. Under this background, the reverse mortgage loan system undoubtedly provides a new way of financing for the elderly. Many people spend their life savings to buy the house in their old age. Cash loan. It can not only protect the elderly, improve their quality of life, but also lighten the pressure on the aged and promote the harmony and stability of the society. The successful operation of reverse mortgage loan in foreign countries has aroused widespread concern of all walks of life in our country. Some large and medium-sized cities in China have launched measures similar to the reverse mortgage loan, plus the improvement of the housing ownership rate in our country. The increasing activity of the real estate market and the urgent pursuit of financial innovation by financial institutions have provided the feasibility for the construction of the reverse mortgage system with Chinese characteristics. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part mainly introduces the legal basis of the construction of the reverse mortgage system in our country, establishes the theory of mortgage basis as the theoretical basis of the reverse mortgage loan, and analyzes the difference between the reverse mortgage system and the housing mortgage system. The second part mainly introduces the main body of the reverse mortgage system in China. As an introduction system, the reverse mortgage system should have its own characteristics on the basis of the successful experience of the United States. Clarify the legal relationship involved in the reverse mortgage. The third part mainly studies the subject matter of the reverse mortgage. The subject matter of the foreign demand for the reverse mortgage is the house in which the borrower has his own property right, because of the special land system of our country. There is no problem that urban housing is used to apply for the reverse mortgage loan, but the rural housing and the incomplete property right house in the town can become the guarantee subject matter of the reverse mortgage loan. And the term of urban residential construction land will be the focus of this chapter. Part 4th mainly studies the rights and obligations of the subject of the reverse mortgage. There are corresponding rights and obligations in any kind of legal relationship. Only when the parties know their rights and obligations, can they better participate in the reverse mortgage. In order to promote the sustainable development of the reverse mortgage system.


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