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发布时间:2018-02-03 02:12

  本文关键词: AJAX JavaScript DOM XMLHttpRequest 出处:《电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在目前的Web2.0热潮中,AJAX已成为人们谈论最多的技术术语。其中AJAX又是WEB2.0的核心之一。自2005年2月以来,AJAX技术已成为Web技术领域的研究热点,如何更好地利用AJAX技术设计出网络系统是当前应用研究的重要任务,论文在系统地对AJAX技术的含义、特点、优势及其关键技术以及传统Web进行了详细分析的基础上,从浏览器客户端角度,通过综合运用AJAX技术中的JavaScript、HTML、CSS、DOM模型、XML以及XMLHttpRequest对象等技术,设计并实现了一个属于目前最流行Web2.0的基于AJAX技术的某房地产销售管理系统。 系统主要包括销售业务、系统管理等模块。针对传统Web由于同步交互、单项通信引起的响应速度缓慢、完全页面刷新、用户交互不畅、表现能力单一、客户端哑终端化、数据与呈现混杂以及服务器端负荷重等缺陷和不足,与传统的Web开发技术相比较,AJAX技术使得客户端与服务器通信时间缩短,服务器响应后可以在不刷新整个页面的情况下获取数据,用户响应较快,从而适应交互性强的应用需求。实践表明,,AJAX技术有效提高Web应用的交互能力。 随着AJAX技术的进一步发展,将逐渐取代传统的Web开发技术和模式,论文为AJAX技术在Web领域的应用和发展作了初步探索,开发出的博客系统经过试运行,验证了利用AJAX技术开发Web应用程序完全可以克服和弥补传统Web存在的缺陷和不足,实践证明了AJAX技术是当前开发Web的一种较好选择。
[Abstract]:In the current Web2.0 boom, Ajax has become the most talked about technical terms. Among them, AJAX is one of the core of WEB2.0. Since February 2005. AJAX technology has become a research hotspot in the field of Web technology. How to better use AJAX technology to design network system is an important task of current application research. On the basis of systematic analysis of the meaning, characteristics, advantages and key technologies of AJAX technology and traditional Web, this paper analyzes the client side of browser in detail. In this paper, the XML and XMLHttpRequest objects are synthetically used in the AJAX technology, such as JavaScript / HTML / CSSU Dom model and so on. A real estate sales management system based on AJAX technology, which belongs to the most popular Web2.0, is designed and implemented. The system mainly includes sales business, system management and other modules. For the traditional Web because of synchronous interaction, single communication caused by slow response speed, complete page refresh, user interaction is not smooth, performance ability is single. Compared with the traditional Web development technology, Ajax technology shortens the communication time between client and server. The server can get the data without refreshing the whole page after the server response, and the user can respond quickly, so it can adapt to the application demand with strong interaction. The practice shows that the server can obtain the data without refreshing the whole page. AJAX technology effectively improves the interaction ability of Web applications. With the further development of AJAX technology, it will gradually replace the traditional Web development technology and mode. This paper makes a preliminary exploration for the application and development of AJAX technology in the field of Web. The blog system developed through the trial operation, verify that the use of AJAX technology to develop Web applications can completely overcome and make up for the shortcomings and shortcomings of traditional Web. Practice has proved that AJAX technology is a good choice for developing Web at present.


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