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发布时间:2018-02-03 07:15

  本文关键词: 地方政府 土地融资风险 风险传导机制 风险传导路径 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着土地、房地产市场的发展,城市土地价值逐渐被充分挖掘。土地出让收益成为地方政府财政收入不可或缺的重要组成部分。此外,为了弥补城市基础设施建设的资金缺口,地方政府更是直接或间接地依靠土地进行融资。不仅如此,,地方政府为规避《预算法》等相关法律禁止地方政府成为融资主体的规定,解决融资难问题,相继搭建各种融资平台,并以财政性资金注入、国有资产注资、土地作价入股、财政拨款以及赋予特许经营权等方式进行扶持,使其代替政府行使投融资职能,成为融资的载体,承担政府项目投融资和建设任务。 地方政府对于土地财政的过度依赖,以及利用城市土地过度融资也蕴含着巨大的风险。因此,本文从地方政府、地方融资平台、土地储备机构、金融机构等四个地方政府土地融资过程中涉及的主要主体着手,分析地方政府土地融资及其风险,并从财政传导机制、金融传导机制、信用传导机制三个角度分析了地方政府土地融资风险传导机制,在此基础上,分析了土地融资风险的传导路径,并针对防范和化解土地融资风险提出了对策建议。
[Abstract]:With the development of land and real estate market, the value of urban land has gradually been fully excavated. The income from land transfer has become an indispensable part of local government revenue. In order to make up for the capital gap of urban infrastructure construction, local governments rely directly or indirectly on land for financing. In order to avoid the relevant laws, such as the Budget Law, which prohibit the local government from becoming the main body of financing, and to solve the problem of financing difficulties, local governments have set up various financing platforms one after another, and have injected financial funds and state assets into the capital. Land pricing, financial allocation and franchising are supported in order to take the place of the government to carry out the function of investment and financing, become the carrier of financing, and undertake the task of government project investment and financing and construction. The excessive dependence of local government on land finance and the over-financing of urban land also have great risks. Therefore, this paper starts with local government, local financing platform and land reserve institution. Financial institutions and other four local governments involved in the process of land financing, the main body involved in the analysis of local government land financing and its risks, and from the financial transmission mechanism, financial transmission mechanism. On the basis of analyzing the transmission mechanism of local government land financing risk from three angles of credit transmission mechanism, this paper analyzes the transmission path of land financing risk. Countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to prevent and resolve the risk of land financing.


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