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发布时间:2018-02-09 08:47

  本文关键词: 语用预设 劝说功能 广告语言 儿童产品广告 出处:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:现代经济社会中,广告可谓无处不在。广告商借助一切语言和非语言符号来推广宣传其产品或服务,以达到劝服消费者采取购买行为的目的。作为语言学中的一个重要课题,语用预设由于具有单向性、主观性和隐蔽性等特点而被广告设计者用来加强广告的宣传劝服效果。巧妙运用语用预设能够衍生出交际所需的策略,语用预设在广告语中的运用很大程度上反映了这种交际策略性。 随着语用预设理论在应用研究中的不断发展,以及广告中语用预设的大量应用,在语用预设理论框架下对汉语广告的研究显得十分重要。学者们对预设的广告应用研究主要涉及化妆品广告、房地产广告、汽车广告等,而针对儿童使用的产品广告研究较少。儿童产品在商业市场中比重日渐加大,儿童的商机日益突出,针对儿童使用的产品的广告也大量出现,因此本文着眼于汉语儿童产品广告进行语用预设研究。 作者结合前人对语用预设的研究背景,对汉语儿童产品广告中语用预设的种类从消费者心理角度进行初步划分,并以搜集的100则汉语儿童产品广告为语料,对不同语用预设类型的分布及使用频率进行了定量分析。研究发现,行为预设在儿童产品广告中出现频率最高。为了揭示语用预设在汉语儿童产品广告中的实际运用情况,作者通过定性分析,探讨了不同类型的预设在汉语儿童产品广告中实现劝导功能的机制。最后,作者对语用预设在汉语儿童产品广告中的功能进行了较为全面、深入的论述。 作者希望本研究能在理论上帮助后来研究者拓宽语用研究范围,丰富汉语儿童产品广告语言的理解和探究;在实践上帮助广告设计者创作出更具科学性和吸引力的儿童产品广告,并帮助消费者识别广告信息的真伪,进行理性购物:在教学上帮助语言学和广告学专业的学生更好的理解语用预设理论及其应用机制,并为他们日后的学习深造提供帮助。
[Abstract]:In modern economic society, advertising is ubiquitous. Advertisers use all language and non-verbal symbols to promote their products or services, in order to persuade consumers to take purchase behavior. As an important subject in linguistics, Pragmatic presupposition, because of its unidirectional, subjective and concealment characteristics, is used by the advertisement designer to strengthen the propaganda and persuasion effect of the advertisement. The skillful use of pragmatic presupposition can give rise to the strategies needed for communication. The use of pragmatic presupposition in advertising largely reflects this communicative strategy. With the development of pragmatic presupposition theory in application research and the extensive application of pragmatic presupposition in advertising, It is very important to study Chinese advertising under the framework of pragmatic presupposition theory. Scholars mainly study the application of presupposition advertising to cosmetics advertising, real estate advertising, automobile advertising and so on. The proportion of children's products in the commercial market is increasing, and children's business opportunities are becoming increasingly prominent. Advertisements for products used by children also appear in large numbers. Therefore, this paper focuses on the pragmatic presupposition of Chinese children's product advertising. Combined with previous researches on pragmatic presupposition, the author classifies the types of pragmatic presupposition in Chinese children's product advertisements from the perspective of consumers' psychology, and takes 100 advertisements of Chinese children's products as corpus. The distribution and use frequency of different types of pragmatic presupposition are quantitatively analyzed. It is found that behavioral presupposition is the most frequently used in children's product advertisements, in order to reveal the practical application of pragmatic presupposition in Chinese children's product advertisements. Through qualitative analysis, the author discusses the mechanism of different presupposition in Chinese children's product advertisement. Finally, the author makes a comprehensive and in-depth discussion on the function of pragmatic presupposition in Chinese children's product advertisement. The author hopes that this study can theoretically help the researchers to broaden the scope of pragmatic research and enrich the understanding and exploration of the advertising language of Chinese children's products. In practice, it helps advertisers create more scientific and attractive advertisements for children's products, and helps consumers identify the authenticity of advertising information. Rational shopping: teaching to help students majoring in linguistics and advertising to better understand pragmatic presupposition theory and its application mechanism, and to provide help for their further study in the future.


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