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发布时间:2018-02-14 09:58

  本文关键词: 优租房 济南 居住环境设计 青年群体 出处:《山东建筑大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:从1988年住房改革之后,我国的房地产市场得到了前所未有的发展,商品住房成为住宅市场的供应主体。近年来城市化进程的加快,在各种因素的推动之下,商品房的价格居高不下。同时,我国住房保障制度覆盖范围窄,机制不完善,供给数量有限等问题,导致了大量的“夹心层”居民的在居住方面出现了日益严重的住房问题。在“夹心层”中,有部分人群的数量逐年增加,所面临的住房问题也日趋严重,这就是刚毕业的大学生,他们在毕业后就被冠上“蚁族”蜗居”的称号。针对夹心层群体的住房现状,国家推出了“公共租赁住房”,而苏州更是推出了“优租房”来解决刚进入苏州工业园工作的大学生的住房问题。本文通过实地调查的方式,搜集刚毕业后大学生的基本信息、居住现状、居住改善意愿及趋势等,为优租房居住环境设计提供切实建议及意见。本文借鉴苏州公租房体系中“优租房”的居住环境设计的理念,结合济南本地地域文化以及青年人的心理活动,打造拥有济南地域特色且适合年轻人居住的公寓环境。 首先,实地调研苏州优租房体系和新加坡、香港两地公共租赁住房的优秀案例,分析其居住环境设计现状,总结出其居住环境存在的优缺点,为济南优租房居住环境设计提供一定的借鉴作用。 其次,通过对济南高新区工业园周围几个租赁率较高的小区走访调查,分析其环境设计和济南优租房的发展前景,指出优租房在济南的必要性和以青年群体为本的适应性设计的必要性。 再次,通过总结上述案例,提出适合年轻群体居住的济南优租房环境设计原则和设计方法,并结合济南地域文化、人文风情总结出济南的优租房环境设计。 最后,通过济南优租房实例设计方案,来体现出以青年群体为本的适应性设计理念。 本课所研究的济南优租房居住环境设计,力争设计出拥有济南特色且适合年轻群体居住的小区环境,为公共租赁住房体系居住环境设计提供一定的借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:Since the housing reform in 1988, the real estate market of our country has been developed unprecedented, the commodity housing has become the main supply of the housing market. In recent years, with the acceleration of the urbanization process, under the impetus of various factors, The price of commercial housing remains high. At the same time, China's housing security system has narrow coverage, imperfect mechanism, limited supply and so on. As a result, a large number of "sandwich layer" residents have become increasingly serious housing problems. In the "sandwich layer", the number of some people has increased year by year, and the housing problems are becoming more and more serious. This is the name of the newly graduated college students, who have been crowned "ant tribe" as "worm houses" after graduation. The state has introduced "public rental housing", and Suzhou has launched "superior rental housing" to solve the housing problem of college students who have just entered the Suzhou Industrial Park. In order to provide practical suggestions and suggestions for the design of superior rental housing environment, this paper draws lessons from the concept of "superior rental housing" living environment design in Suzhou public rental housing system. Combining the local culture of Jinan and the psychological activities of young people, the apartment environment with local characteristics of Jinan and suitable for young people to live in is created. First of all, through investigating the outstanding cases of Suzhou superior rental housing system and public rental housing in Singapore and Hong Kong, analyzing the living environment design status, summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of its living environment. For Jinan excellent rental housing environment design to provide a certain reference. Secondly, through the investigation of several residential areas around the Jinan High-tech Industrial Park with high leasing rate, the environmental design and the development prospects of Jinan superior rental housing are analyzed. It points out the necessity of excellent rental housing in Jinan and the necessity of adaptive design based on youth group. Thirdly, through summing up the above cases, this paper puts forward the design principles and design methods of Jinan superior rental housing environment suitable for young groups, and combines Jinan regional culture, humanistic customs to sum up the Jinan excellent rental environment design. Finally, through Jinan excellent rental housing design scheme, to reflect the youth-based adaptive design concept. In order to design the residential environment with Jinan characteristics and suitable for young people, this course studies the design of the living environment of the excellent rental housing in Jinan, which can provide some reference for the residential environment design of the public rental housing system.


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