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发布时间:2018-02-25 05:35

  本文关键词: HDS系统 一站式服务 家装服务 家居建材 配送 出处:《河北科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着人民生活水平的提高,住房问题已经变得更加紧张,房地产市场得到了迅猛的发展,装修行业也有了迅猛的发展,家装企业之间的竞争越来越激烈。那么,家装企业要想需求一个新的利润点,就必须从配送方面切入,加强企业配送的模式和规范,是必然的。 随着人们的个性化需求和多样化需求的日益增长,家庭装饰行业原有的经营理念和模式己经无法适应市场新的需求和变化,客户满意度问题有待提高。本文借助于北京居泰隆实体家居(简称“居泰隆”)的HDS系统,通过对家装产业发展现状、发展趋势等内容进行分析,并从家装行业“一站式”服务的理念出发,从理论和实证两个方面对家装企业“一站式”服务的物流配送问题进行研究,实现真正意义上的轻松家装,拎包入住的愿望。以本文根据市场的发展需求研究基于HDS系统的家装一站式服务配送问题,把物流环节融入到家装行业,从而为百姓提供省钱、省时、省力、省心的四省愿望,使物流配送与一站式服务得到完美统一,最终满足消费者的需求。消费者不用再舟车劳顿,直接可从系统中一次性购足,过程简单、快捷、方便。通过对比分析法,了解传统家装服务与一站式家装服务物流配送的不足之处,,达到客户、公司、供应商三者的共赢。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the improvement of the people's living standard, the housing problem has become more and more tense, the real estate market has developed rapidly, the decoration industry has also developed rapidly, and the competition among the home decoration enterprises has become more and more intense. In order to demand a new profit point, it is necessary to strengthen the mode and standard of distribution. With the increasing demand of individuation and diversification of people, the original management idea and mode of family decoration industry have been unable to adapt to the new demand and change of the market. The problem of customer satisfaction needs to be improved. With the help of the HDS system of Beijing Jutalon entity Home, this paper analyzes the present situation and development trend of the home decoration industry. Starting from the concept of "one-stop" service in home decoration industry, this paper studies the logistics distribution problem of "one-stop" service in home improvement enterprises from two aspects of theory and demonstration, so as to realize the real ease of home decoration. According to the development needs of the market, this paper studies the one-stop service distribution problem of home decoration based on HDS system, and integrates the logistics links into the home decoration industry, thus providing the people with the desire to save money, time, labor, and heart, so as to provide the people with the desire to save money, time, labor, and heart. Make the logistics distribution and one-stop service get perfect unification, and finally meet the needs of the consumers. Consumers do not have to work on the boat, they can directly buy from the system at one time, the process is simple, fast and convenient. Through comparative analysis, Understand the shortcomings of traditional home decoration service and one-stop home decoration service logistics distribution to achieve the win-win situation among customers, companies and suppliers.


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