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发布时间:2018-02-25 07:14

  本文关键词: 金融状况指数 金融景气周期循环 金融周期 预测 出处:《经济问题探索》2017年10期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:This paper selects the index variables from three aspects: monetary policy, external shock and internal shock. Based on the idea of dimensionality reduction, the index of China's financial condition is extracted and the leading lag relationship between the index and macroeconomic variables is studied. The results show that China is in the slow recovery period of the third round of financial boom cycle in the sample period. Related variables such as price-based monetary policy instruments, real estate market and commodity prices are of significant relative importance to FCI. A high probability event is that China will achieve steady economic growth in 2017. The occurrence of systemic financial risk is a small probability event, but it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of local and regional financial risks. Moreover, we should strengthen the effectiveness of quantitative monetary policy instruments in controlling the financial situation. FCI has a strong ability to predict future inflation, and in 2017, CPI is expected to continue to pick up. The forecast shows that China's financial situation will enter a downward range of a small financial cycle in 2017. In 2017, the financial situation is still in the upward range of the third cycle of the financial boom cycle; There is an endogenetic mechanism between short term cycle fluctuation and long term running trend. In 2017, short term cycle fluctuation is helpful to accelerate the warming and development of China's financial situation.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学数量经济研究中心;吉林大学商学院;


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