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发布时间:2018-02-27 02:16

  本文关键词: 保障性住房 市场效应 法律保障 长效机制 出处:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国的保障性住房建设起步较晚,虽然国际上已经形成了较为先进的住房保障体系,但由于我国国情、政策、体制、市场的特殊性,至今,保障性住房所要达到的社会保障效果还没有完全的形成,这种情形正是由于政策法律不完善、建设融资困难、分配退出机制欠缺造成的。 本文首先对保障性住房的概念进行了澄清,并与国际上同类型项目进行类比,指出我国的保障性住房本质上是国际上所称的“公共住房”。目前,国际关于住房分配中,主要有两种模式,一种是以市场化和商品化为主导的商品房,此类住房的购买和居住通过正常的货币来实现。还有一种模式就是,以政府或者政府指定(委派)的公共机构开发建设、保障中低收入阶层居住需求的保障房,此类住房体现的是政府对低收入家庭的保障义务。 本文重点探讨了保障房分配方面需要的制度化运作,提出要做好保障性住房的分配工作,使真正需要帮助的中低收入住房困难群众受益。建立保障性住房分配虚假申报等问题的惩罚机制,并进行公平有效的社会监督。 在国际上,美国是以财税、信贷及金融为主要手段,鼓励公共住房发展,英国则由地方政府发挥主要作用,瑞典以系列政策法规保障高福利,新加坡则是由建屋发展局推行“居者有其屋”计划,这些国家的住房保障工作都取得了不错的成绩,值得我国借鉴。综合来说,发达国家住房保障制度的基本经验是:具有完善的法律、法规制度;由政府成立专门的公共住房发展机构来保障;公共住房政策随着经济社会发展逐步演变和完善;政府公共住房支出占公共支出比例较高;通过融资创新解决公共住房资金短缺问题。 在我国,保障性住房建设和商品房市场提出相辅相成。按照我国最初的住房制度设计,我国房地产供给主要是以商品房和保障房组成,其中保障房中,最初是以经济适用房为主,廉租房为辅。 按照时间节点来看,1998年,为第一阶段,该年我国提出取消福利分房,计划建立公共住房多层次供应体系,经济适用房的比例甚至提出要占到80%。2004年,为第二阶段,该阶段由于住房供应过度市场化,保障房建设和供应在全国范围内缺位,商品房价格暴涨,政府再次强调保障房建设力度。2008年,为第三阶段,政府对房地产进行调控,重申保障性住房对稳定房价的重要作用,,从严保障房购买和转让制度。同时,以北京推出“限价房”,该类住房被称为继经济适用房、廉租房之后的第三种保障性住房。2012年,为第四阶段,政府提出保障房供应出现量化。其中北京以公租房为主的新的保障房模式出现,保障房申请人群扩展到外来劳务工作者。 近几年,保障性住房建设规模连年攀升,土地供应量逐步加大,保障性住房的建设规模也在加大,“十二五”期间计划开工建设保障性住房3600万套,并逐步趋向以租赁方式为主,公租房成为未来建设重点。 我国保障性住房制度建设仍存在不少问题,如现有住房保障体系未能覆盖住房困难的中低收入人群、保障性住房建设资金供应不足、保障性住房准入退出机制不健全、保障性住房金融发展缓慢、保障性住房缺乏法律硬约束等。针对于此,本文建议:第一,优先保证保障建设用地的供应,多渠道拓宽保障性住房房源,加大保障性住房供应量,提高保障性住房工程质量。第二,加强住房保障制度的法律保障,适度扩大住房保障范围,建立和完善住房保障制度的分配、退出机制。建立动态不动产信息系统,方便政府根据实际情况调节保障房制度。第三,拓宽住房保障资金融资渠道,建立适合低收入群体的房屋金融支持体系,体系的责任主体必然是政府。只有在政府的引导支持下,保障性住房体系才能进一步完善。 目前有些保障性住房远离市区,或是周边配套不够完善,给入住保障性住房的中低收入市民带来诸多不便利。本文提出,对于保障性住房配套市政基础设施和相关的公共服务设施,开发商与政府应该各自负起自己的职责。从规划、审批、建设、验收等方面把好关,让保障性住房居住着不仅在居住方面有保障,也要在教育、医疗、交通等方面有保障。
[Abstract]:Our country ' s safeguard housing construction starts late , although international has already formed the more advanced housing security system , but because of our country situation , policy , system and market particularity , so far , the social security effect to be achieved by the safeguard housing has not been fully formed , this situation is due to the imperfect policy law , the difficulty of construction finance , the lack of distribution and exit mechanism . This paper first clarifies the concept of affordable housing , and analogizes the same type of project internationally , points out that our country ' s safeguard housing is essentially the " public housing " in the world . At present , there are two main modes in the international housing distribution , one is the commercial housing dominated by the marketization and commercialization . One mode is to develop and construct the public institutions designated by the government or the government to guarantee the guarantee room for the living needs of middle and low - income families , which is the guarantee obligation of the government to the low - income families . This paper focuses on the systematic operation of guaranteeing the allocation of housing , and puts forward the allocation of affordable housing , which will benefit the middle - and low - income housing that really needs help . Establish the punishment mechanism of the guarantee housing allocation false declaration and so on , and carry out the fair and effective social supervision . At the international level , the United States is the main means of fiscal and taxation , credit and finance to encourage public housing development . In the United Kingdom , the local government has played a major role in the development of housing security in developed countries . The basic experience of housing security system in developed countries is that it has a sound legal and regulatory system ; the government has established a special public housing development agency to guarantee ; public housing policy is gradually evolving and perfected with economic and social development ; public housing expenditure accounts for higher proportion of public expenditure ; and through financing innovation , the problem of shortage of public housing funds is solved . In our country , the affordable housing construction and the commercial housing market are mutually reinforcing . According to the original housing system design in our country , the real estate supply mainly consists of commercial house and guarantee room , in which the housing is guaranteed , originally the economic applicable room is the main and the low - rent housing is auxiliary . According to the time node , in 1998 , for the first stage , in the first phase of the year , China proposed to cancel the welfare branch , plan to establish the multi - level supply system of public housing , the proportion of affordable housing even raised to make up 80 % . In 2004 , in order to guarantee the housing construction and supply in the whole country , the price of commodity house has soared , and the government again emphasizes the construction of housing . In 2012 , in order to guarantee housing construction and supply in the third stage , the government put forward the third safeguard housing . In the fourth phase , the government proposed that the supply of housing supply will be quantified . In recent years , the construction scale of affordable housing has been increasing year by year , the amount of land supply has gradually increased , and the construction scale of affordable housing is increasing . During the 12th Five - Year Plan period , 36 million sets of affordable housing are planned to be constructed , and the gradual trend will be based on the lease mode , and the public rental housing will become the focus of future construction . There are still many problems in the construction of safeguard housing system in our country , such as low - and low - income people who fail to cover the housing difficulties in the existing housing security system , the inadequate supply of affordable housing construction funds , the lack of legal hard constraints on the guarantee of housing market access , and the establishment and improvement of the housing finance support system for low - income groups . At present , some safeguard houses are far away from the urban areas , or the surrounding facilities are not perfect enough to bring inconvenience to the middle - and low - income residents who are staying in the affordable housing . This paper puts forward that the developers and the government should have their own responsibility for supporting the municipal infrastructure and related public service facilities , so that the affordable housing can be guaranteed not only in terms of planning , approval , construction , acceptance and the like , but also in education , medical , traffic and the like .



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