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发布时间:2018-02-27 02:28

  本文关键词: 武汉房地产 风险防范 风险控制 出处:《武汉工程大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:经过十余年的发展,中国房地产市场已经取得了长足的进步。房地产行业一直以来都是我国各地经济发展的支柱行业,在推动国民经济增长上占有重要地位。近年来,武汉在湖北中部崛起发展战略的推动下,大力建设国家中心城市,推动主城区交通建设及8+1城市圈建设,,经济发展不断加速,楼市也随之不断升温。在国家对房产市场的调控和监管力度不断加大的形势下,“国十条”、“国五条”相继出台,对武汉楼市也造成了一定程度的冲击,武汉房地产企业如何根据宏观政策和市场环境的改变,对企业经营中的风险作出正确应对,是一个需要详加分析的论题。 目前国内外对于房地产风险分析和防范已经有比较成熟的理论体系,但结合具体的地方市场进行各种因素分析的研究尚不多见。本文研究的目的是根据目前我国房地产发展的总体趋势,结合武汉本地市场的特殊环境,理清武汉市房地产行业发展过程中的种种风险和不确定性因素,提出房地产市场风险防范的措施,以对武汉房地产研究界在学术层面上作出有益的补充,同时为房地产企业提供现实的参考依据,使其能够在今后的经营活动中作出正确的决策。 本文的主要研究对象是武汉市房地产市场以及各类风险因素,主要研究方法是文献研究法、调查研究法、比较研究法和案例分析方法。将按照以下部分进行论述:首先第一部分指出目前房地产企业面临的风险状况,阐明论文研究背景和意义;第二部分对相关研究文献进行整理和综述;第三部分根据相关理论,分析房地产风险的主要类型及来源,以及风险管理的过程;第四部分对武汉房地产市场进行总体描述和分析,分析武汉房地产企业宏观风险类型及成因;第五部分对武汉房地产风险管理提出相应的对策,结合案例分析,建立相应的风险防范和风险规避机制;第六部分为结论。 根据对武汉房地产发展状况及案例分析,本文结论是,在武汉房地产发展中,目前在政策、金融、管控等各个层面存在需要防范的风险,房地产企业可以通过科学的决策方法和相关工具,在房地产项目的各个环节做出最优化的决策,控制风险在最小范围,乃至规避风险,提升房地产运营的效益。
[Abstract]:After more than a decade of development, China's real estate market has made considerable progress. The real estate industry has always been the pillar industry of economic development in various parts of our country, and has played an important role in promoting national economic growth in recent years. Driven by the strategy of the rise and development of the central part of Hubei, Wuhan has made great efforts to build a national central city, promote the construction of traffic in the main urban area and the construction of the 81-city circle, and the economic development has been continuously accelerated. The property market also heats up continuously. Under the situation of the state's increasing regulation and supervision of the real estate market, the "National Ten" and "National five" have been introduced one after another, which has also caused a certain degree of impact on the Wuhan property market. How to deal with the risks in Wuhan real estate enterprises according to the change of macro policy and market environment is a topic that needs to be analyzed in detail. At present, there is a mature theoretical system for real estate risk analysis and prevention at home and abroad. However, the research on various factors analysis combined with specific local market is rare. The purpose of this paper is to combine the special environment of Wuhan local market according to the general trend of real estate development in our country at present. This paper clarifies all kinds of risks and uncertainties in the development of Wuhan real estate industry, and puts forward some measures to prevent the real estate market risks, so as to make a beneficial supplement to the Wuhan real estate research field on the academic level. At the same time, it can provide real estate enterprises with realistic reference basis so that they can make correct decision in the future management activities. The main research object of this paper is Wuhan real estate market and all kinds of risk factors, the main research methods are literature research method, investigation research method, The comparative research method and the case analysis method will be discussed according to the following parts: the first part points out the risk situation faced by the real estate enterprises at present and clarifies the research background and significance of the thesis; The third part analyzes the main types and sources of real estate risk and the process of risk management according to the relevant theories. Part 4th gives a general description and analysis of Wuhan real estate market, analyzes the macro risk types and causes of Wuhan real estate enterprises, 5th part puts forward corresponding countermeasures to Wuhan real estate risk management, combined with case study. Establish the corresponding risk prevention and risk aversion mechanism; 6th part is the conclusion. According to the development of Wuhan real estate and case analysis, this paper concludes that in the development of Wuhan real estate, there are some risks to be prevented at various levels, such as policy, finance, management and control. The real estate enterprise can make the optimal decision in each link of the real estate project through the scientific decision-making method and the related tool, control the risk in the minimum range, even avoid the risk, enhance the benefit of the real estate operation.


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