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发布时间:2018-02-27 21:19

  本文关键词: 房地产行业 嘉凯城集团 财务风险 防范对策 出处:《长沙理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The real estate industry is one of the most important pillar industries of the national economy. In recent decades, the rapid development of the national economy can not be separated from the strong support of the real estate industry. The real estate industry will directly or indirectly drive and influence the upstream and downstream industries, such as cement, steel, etc. The development of many related industries, such as chemical industry, home appliance, construction, service and so on. However, the real estate industry has long construction period, large investment scale, and is easily affected by the national macroeconomic regulation and control, so there are many uncertain factors. Real estate enterprises also generally face financial risks such as unreasonable capital structure, high ratio of assets and liabilities, broken capital chain, etc. Once the profit space of the real estate industry is squeezed, The serious financial risks of real estate enterprises will affect the healthy development of all kinds of industries and even the whole national economy. It can be seen that the financial risks of real estate enterprises are accurately identified and evaluated. It is beneficial for enterprise managers to carry out risk management smoothly, and to make up for large losses for enterprises. First of all, based on the basic theory of financial risk management, combined with the characteristics of listed companies in real estate industry, according to the actual situation of Jiakaicheng Group, Through the financial statements of the last three years, the paper identifies the financial risk factors of the Kaiser Group from five aspects: financing risk, investment risk, receivable recovery risk, guarantee risk and income distribution risk. This paper takes 101 Shanghai and Shenzhen listed real estate companies including Ka Kai City Group as the research object, and selects the financial index data from 2010 to 2012 to reflect five aspects: profitability, asset management ability, solvency, growth ability and cash flow ability. Using factor analysis method to construct its financial risk evaluation system, and then judging its financial risk according to the score and ranking results of the same industry financial situation. Finally, According to the results of the identification and evaluation of the financial risk of the group, the paper establishes the prevention mechanism of the financial risk of the group and puts forward the corresponding financial risk prevention countermeasures for the different risks. In order to improve the financial risk management of Ka Kai City Group to provide inspiration and reference.


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