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发布时间:2018-02-28 00:39

  本文关键词: 保障性住房 经济应用房 廉租房 公租房 公平分配 出处:《中国海洋大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着城市的发展,住宅也成为一个炙手可热的话题。住房是人类生存的基本条件,是一个人的基本权利。面对着居高不下的房价,人人有住宅,是每一个家庭的梦想。在任何一个国家和地区,除了高收入和部分中等收入家庭外,大部分的中低收入家庭主要依赖于政府的资助,来解决严峻的住房问题或改善其居住条件。 上世纪90年代,中国安居工程起步。为了满足中低收入居民的住房需求,保障性住房应运而生。在保障性住房发展的近二十年,经济适用房占有重要地位,在改善部分居民的居住条件、抑制房价方面发挥了巨大的作用,但是它有着不可避免的局限性。经济适用的数量难以满足居民的需求,供求难以平衡;影响了社会资源的公平分配,不利于房地产市场健康发展;在分配中产生的权力寻租、国有资产的流失,政府投入与受益者的不匹配……这些问题都在制约着经济适用房的发展。为了提高保障性住房的覆盖范围,针对不同收入层次和群体的廉租房、公租房和限价商品房渐渐出现,从不同的侧面改善着居民的居住条件。保障性住房的出现具有深刻的社会背景和理论基础。它是社会、经济和文化等多方面作用下的结果,也有来自公平分配理论、社会保障理论和住房过滤理论的依据。但是在青岛市保障性住房的建设到分配的过程中,还存在许多的问题,造成这些问题的原因是多样的,例如建设中的土地和财政问题,分配中的申请条件、政府的失责,管理中的退出机制的不健全等。国内外有着许多的成功的案例,可以为我们提供经验的借鉴。美国、日本、新加坡、德国和香港在保障性住房发面有着一些共同特征:立法的完善,金融体系的支持,土地的供给保障,多层次多渠道的住房形式。青岛市可以在吸取前人的经验,结合自身的实际情况的基础上,不断的改进、完善保障性住房。 保障性住房的发展是一项关乎民生的大事,关系到居民的日常生活,是不可剥夺的一项权利。解决好居民的住宅问题或改善居住条件,是城市发展的题中之义,也是维护社会安定和谐的必要条件。针对城市流动人口多、区域发展不均衡等状况,寻找适合于青岛市的保障性住房政策,是摆在我们面前的一个紧迫问题。为了更好地发展青岛市保障性住房,可以从外部宏观环境入手,完善保障性住房的立法体系和金融体系,为保障性住房的发展提供制度保障;转变政府职能,提高政府的责任感;同时加强外部的监督力量,形成有效的制约机制。在具体的对策中,青岛市应该在保障性住房的政策目标、建设水平、住房种类和公平分配等方面不断完善,因地制宜、因时制宜,根据变化着的事情不断的调整政策,规划保障性住房的建设。
[Abstract]:With the development of the city, housing has become a hot topic. The housing is a basic condition of human existence, is one of the basic rights. In the face of high prices, everyone has the housing, is every family's dream. In any countries and regions, in addition to high income and some middle-income families most of the low-income families, mainly rely on government funding to solve the severe housing problem or improve their living conditions.
In 90s, China housing projects started. In order to meet the housing needs of low-income residents, affordable housing affordable housing development came into being. In the past twenty years, affordable housing occupies an important position, in part to improve the living conditions of residents, housing prices will play a huge role, but it has its limitations the number of affordable inevitable. It is difficult to meet the needs of residents, to balance the supply and demand; the influence of the fair distribution of social resources, is not conducive to the healthy development of the real estate market; power rent-seeking in distribution, the loss of state-owned assets, the government does not match the input and beneficiaries. These problems are restricting the development of affordable housing. In order to improve the protection of housing coverage, according to different income levels and groups of low rent housing, public rental housing and commercial housing prices began to appear, from different sides To improve the living conditions of residents. The emergence of affordable housing has social background and profound theoretical basis. It is the social, economic and cultural aspects of the result, but also from the fair distribution theory, on the basis of the theory of social security and housing filtering theory. But in the process of Qingdao city affordable housing construction the distribution, there are still many problems, the causes of these problems are various, such as land and financial problems in the construction and distribution of the application conditions, the government default and exit mechanism in the management is not perfect. At home and abroad there are many successful cases, can provide experience for us from the United States, Japan, Singapore, Germany and Hongkong have some common features in the affordable housing area: the improvement of legislation, financial support, land supply, multi channel forms of housing. On the basis of the experience of the predecessors and on the basis of their own actual conditions, Qingdao city can improve and perfect the affordable housing.
The development of affordable housing is an important livelihood, related to the daily life of the residents, is an inalienable rights. To solve the housing problems of the residents or improve the living conditions of city development, is the problem of justice, is a necessary condition for maintaining social stability and harmony. In view of the city floating population, regional development is not balanced in search of housing security policy for the city of Qingdao, is an urgent problem. In order to better the development of affordable housing in Qingdao City, starting from the external macro environment, perfecting the affordable housing legal system and financial system, provide an institutional guarantee for the development of affordable housing; the transformation of government functions, improve the government's sense of responsibility; at the same time to strengthen the supervision of external forces, the formation of effective restriction mechanism. The specific countermeasures in Qingdao city should be in the affordable housing policy The target, construction level, housing type and fair distribution of continuous improvement, according to local conditions, according to the time, adjust the policy of changing things constantly, planning the construction of affordable housing.



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