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发布时间:2018-03-03 08:05

  本文选题:土地财政 切入点:现状 出处:《经济研究参考》2014年34期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The phenomenon of land finance appears and evolves with the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization under the background of specific land management, fiscal and taxation system in mainland China. The comprehensive influence of soft budget constraints has caused extensive utilization of land resources, expansion of local government debt scale, loss of rights and interests of state-owned land, bubble of real estate market, and rapid expansion of income scale of land transfer, and at the same time it has led to extensive utilization of land resources, expansion of local government debt scale, and so on. At present, from the strategic perspective of national development, it is urgent to study and explore the solution of land finance problems in China. Through theoretical analysis and field investigation, this paper investigates the development and evolution of land and land transfer system in China, and the degree of income dependence of local governments on land transfer. The positive effect of land finance on the development of local economy and society and the challenges it faces, and then combining with the actual case analysis and relevant international experience, the paper puts forward the general ideas to solve the problems of land finance. The main contents are as follows: starting from the requirements of enhancing the overall situation of sustainable economic and social development and the construction of public finance, on the basis of maintaining the steady growth of local government's revenue flow, it is necessary to reduce and weaken the current local government's dependence on land finance. Adhering to the combination of short-term adjustment and long-term reform, and considering comprehensively the reform of the land system, the tax system, the budget management system, the debt management system and the land income distribution system, while maintaining the stability and sustainability of economic and social development, Finally, the paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on perfecting the land management system and related fiscal and taxation system, strengthening the management of the government land related income and expenditure, deepening the related reform and so on.


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