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发布时间:2018-03-07 03:18

  本文选题:房地产业 切入点:广告 出处:《天津师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国房地产业历经改革开放后的初步形成到1998年房改政策过后的迅猛发展,直至今日在国家的调控下稳中有增,其一直在国民经济中扮演重要角色,房地产业的繁荣或萧条对整个国家的经济和社会稳定都有着牵一发而动全身的影响。房地产业的特殊性促进了专门从事地产业务的广告公司的形成,广告投放额的排名中,房地产广告多年高居榜首,大大超过其他行业。广告作为面向社会的一种传播手段,它的作用不仅能推动房地产企业的经济发展,同时对社会价值观的形成具有一定的导向作用。 然而,由于地产广告出现时间较晚,在短时间内得到过于快速的发展,导致行业经验不足,在经济利益的诱惑和社会不良风气的干扰下出现一系列社会问题:广告信息虚假现象屡禁不止、广告创意匮乏、恶俗广告损害社会风气……本文针对房地产广告现存问题,通过文献分析和内容分析法,对问题的成因进行深度剖析,从房地产业的自身特点、开发商现存问题、广告设计、传播效果、社会监管等多个方面进行研究,并探寻有效的解决策略,使房地产广告得以更好的服务地产行业,实现二者良性发展,并促进良好社会氛围的形成。
[Abstract]:After the reform and opening up, the real estate industry of our country has developed rapidly after the reform and opening up policy in 1998, and it has been playing an important role in the national economy until today, when the real estate industry has grown steadily under the control of the state. The boom or bust of the real estate industry has an impact on the economic and social stability of the whole country. The particularity of the real estate industry has promoted the formation of ad agencies specializing in real estate business, and the ranking of the amount of advertisements placed. Real estate advertising has topped the list for many years, greatly surpassing other industries. Advertising, as a means of communication for the society, can not only promote the economic development of real estate enterprises, At the same time, the formation of social values has a certain guiding role. However, due to the late appearance of real estate advertisements and the rapid development in a short period of time, the industry is inexperienced. A series of social problems appear under the temptation of economic benefit and the interference of bad social atmosphere: the false phenomenon of advertising information is not forbidden repeatedly, the advertising creativity is scarce, the vulgar advertisement damages the social atmosphere. This article aims at the existing problems of the real estate advertisement, Through literature analysis and content analysis, the causes of the problem are analyzed in depth, from the real estate industry's own characteristics, developers' existing problems, advertising design, communication effect, social supervision and other aspects of research. And to explore effective solutions, so that real estate advertising can better serve the real estate industry, achieve the benign development of both, and promote the formation of a good social atmosphere.


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