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发布时间:2018-03-12 10:04

  本文选题:VI设计 切入点:房地产经纪公司 出处:《昆明理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:房地产经纪行业是以促成房地产交易为目的的一种现代服务业。伴随着近些年来房地产市场的火爆,中国的房地产经纪公司迅速发展。这不仅体现在房地产经纪公司的数量上,也体现在房地产经纪公司的规模上。房地产经纪公司要想在激烈的竞争中抢占先机,做大做强,形成品牌,同时改变过去行业在公众心中的负面影响,赢得公众的信赖,就需要高质量的视觉形象设计即VI设计。 链家房地产经纪有限公司是目前北京存量房交易市场中,市场份额最大的一家公司。随着企业的发展壮大和市场竞争的激烈,对企业进行VI设计势在必行。在充分了解行业背景、企业文化及价值观的基础上,结合设计学、品牌学、市场营销学、色彩心理学、环境心理学等多个学科,本着服务于公司日常办公活动的方向,从企业标志设计、标准字、标准色选择及标志使用规范等方面结合行业背景、公司背景进行细致的分析和研究,对公司的视觉形象加以规范。同时,在VI应用系统中,将所设计的企业VI基础部分与公司的日常工作需要相结合,将研究成果汇总成为一套详细而又有实用价值VI系统,并辅助以媒体宣传海报设计,以帮助企业树立良好的品牌形象。从长远的角度看来,这既是对企业形象的重塑也是对行业形象的改进。
[Abstract]:The real estate brokerage industry is a modern service industry aimed at facilitating real estate transactions. With the boom in the real estate market in recent years, real estate brokerage companies in China have developed rapidly. This is not only reflected in the number of real estate brokerage companies. It is also reflected in the size of the real estate brokerage company. If the real estate brokerage company wants to seize the opportunity in the fierce competition, become bigger and stronger, form a brand, and at the same time change the negative influence of the industry in the public mind in the past and win the public's trust, Need high quality visual image design namely VI design. Lianjia Real Estate Brokerage Co., Ltd. is the largest market share company in the stock house trading market in Beijing. With the development of enterprises and the fierce competition in the market, VI design for enterprises is imperative. On the basis of fully understanding the industry background, corporate culture and values, combined with design, branding, marketing, color psychology, environmental psychology and other subjects, In line with the direction of serving the daily office activities of the company, the company background is carefully analyzed and studied from the aspects of enterprise logo design, standard words, standard color selection and logo use specifications, etc. The visual image of the company is standardized. At the same time, in the VI application system, the basic part of the enterprise VI is combined with the daily work needs of the company, and the research results are summarized into a detailed and practical VI system. In order to help enterprises to set up a good brand image, this is not only the reconstruction of the corporate image but also the improvement of the industry image in the long run.


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1 金鑫;;现代标志设计的传统符号向度[J];科教文汇(下旬刊);2009年07期

2 唐闻;;浅析房地产广告中平面设计的发展趋势[J];作家;2010年14期




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